As title says, just wondering if there’s a way to force a positive PCR test result so I can defer a forced vax
Trump ALWAYS points out that the lame stream media doesn't show the crowd. One of the first things he said at the rally in Alabama was they "Never Show the Crowd".
I wonder if it's his way of saying Nothing can Stop what's Coming.
Surely it shouldn't take that long to dismantle that thing? Could it be deliberate?
C'mon man we're watching a fucking movie aren't we?
-Joe having to catch a private plane to his own inauguration
-Joe saying "salute the Marines" instead of actually saluting the Marines
-Bill Clinton falls asleep at the inauguration
-Lady Gaga sings national anthem dressed in Hunger Games attire
-Joe locked out of White House
-First thing Joe does in office is fire a black man (can't remember name)
-Joe signs an Executive Order while saying "I don't know what I'm signing" while Kamala says "Just (fucking) sign it"
-Trump walking passed the window behind Joe in the Oval Office
-New White House press secretary is an orange haired communist
-Joe's Oval Office looks suspiciously like the movie set from Independence Day
-Joe seen at Lincoln Memorial without a mask after signing an executive order saying masks are mandatory
Huge speculation: Robin Williams faked his death to play a senile Joe Biden. Robert Trump faked his death to be his older brother Donald Trumps double (see Trump & Melania exiting AF1 in Florida).
I'd get sources for all of these but it's too fucking hard to Google shit these days.
I'll add more to the list:
-During Joe's speech on official White House JewTube channel voice from God (Hunter?) saying "I just agreed to a plea sentence..."
If its gonna go down as we expect - then let them think they've won.
Trump has already said "we caught them, we caught them all... no one else could've done it..."
Theres quite a few ways this can play out. If you really believe in DJT then patience is key. Have you noticed more "eyes on" lately? More people are tuning in.
Many variables. How do we get them all in one place at once? How to we get as many eyes watching at the same time? How do we have maximum impact? How do we unite everybody? Our job is to be prepared.
Heres what to do: Go about your daily life, improve yourself, walk the dog, enjoy nature, feel comfy, get some rest (you're gonna need it). Make sure you have some popping corn on hand and enjoy the show. Only a few more days :)