Mind Manipulation - Who Is In Control Part 1 (live.childrenshealthdefense.org)
posted ago by tweety51A ago by tweety51A
Ivermectin Could Have Saved Millions of Lives, Why Was It Suppressed... (www.lewrockwell.com) 🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸
posted ago by tweety51A ago by tweety51A

A Mother's Love

Of all the special joys in life,

The big ones and the small,

A mother's love and tenderness

Is the greatest of them all.

~ Anon.


I am listening to this lecture by Bill Cooper from 1997. He does not pay taxes. He also has ALL his assets in trusts, which do not pay taxes. I am wondering why 26 years later we are all still paying taxes and do not have our assets in trusts. Listen to the video at around 5:24:00 and he will get into how he set up his trusts...



Thank you all so much for your prayers. I am glad to report that Sandy's surgery to insert a clip in the heart was successful...and hopefully this will help alleviate the inability of the mitral valve to prevent backflow. She was very grateful for the prayers and is looking forward to a little improvement in the quality of her life...it was a wonderful answer to prayer on her birthday. You guys are the best and this just goes to show how important prayer is...😊🙏💟


I would like to ask for prayers for my best friend Sandy. She is vax damaged...heart failure with persistent Afib...it is hard for me to watch her slowly dying...and hard for her...she was a happy, healthy vegetarian on little medication 2 years ago...

Tomorrow morning she will undergo a procedure to place clips in her heart to help the mitral valve work better. She is retaining a lot of fluid that is seeping through the pores on her legs. If this procdure does not help she will probably switch to hospice. I would like prayers that the clips work to give her some relief even if for a while...according to the doctor this apparently is not reversible...but you know how they go on and on experimenting...

He husband died of turbo cancer a year and a half ago. She knows this is vax related and has accepted this is what will kill her...but unfortunately she is not the type to make decisions independent of doctors/hospice to seek alternative treament.

Thank you all so much...I know most of us have friends or relatives that are suffering...and it is hard...we all share so much grief...

BTW ...tomorrow is her birthday...she will be 78....God bless you all for your kindness in praying for others...

HE'S ALIVE by Don Francisco (youtu.be) 🔍 Notable
posted ago by tweety51A ago by tweety51A

Our April Fool's blessing...We welcome our 8th grandchild Luke Morris into the world...coming in at 7 lb. 9 oz. and 20" long. Mother and baby are doing great..."children are a blessing from the Lord, blessed is he whose quiver is full."

Our hearts are rejoicing...

Update on Christina 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by tweety51A ago by tweety51A

First of all, I want to thank everyone that prayed for me, my daughter Christina and her family last week after I posted the need for prayer. I won't go over the particulars again...but I would just like to say that the prayers were very effective and even though last week was one of the THE most difficult I have ever had...we have all made it through and are praising God for his faithfulness and for the love and support of this community. Things have improved considerably.

Christina will be able to come home on March 31...and we are planning on a family gathering to celebrate Christina's son's birthday and the birth of our newest grandchild, which will be no later than April 1. She has AA meetings mapped out and she will do IOP...her intense outpatient counseling. She has learned a lot...and there is a long road ahead in terms of the recovery and the legal aspects. I would ask that you especially pray that she is able to stay out of prison/jail...but really that the best outcome will be reached for her...we will leave that up to God's discretion. I know it would take a miracle...but it sure doesn't hurt to ask.

Again....thank you....this community is so great...and God does answer the prayers of his people. Our God is an awesome God...and His faithfulness endures forever...love you all...and I pray God's richest blessings on you and your families...

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