
I don't know if anyone noticed this or not, but as the 3 bombers were overflying Raymond James Stadium in Tampa today at 18:28:58 (16:28:58 Mountain Standard Time -- this time will be relevant in a moment), that there was a second B-52 bomber flying over the other 3 at exactly 19,000 feet according to its transponder. I caught this as both B-52s were already most of the way back to their base in North Dakota.

Check out these pictures and screenshots:

  1. From ground: http://crystal-clear-research.com/2020_general_election_chronology/Superbowl_2021/20210207_182858_Low_Altitude_3_Bombers.jpg

  2. Flight path and altitude of high-altitude B-52 (19,000 feet). http://crystal-clear-research.com/2020_general_election_chronology/Superbowl_2021/20210207_182858_Flight_Path_time_and_alititude_of_high_B52_at_19000_feet_straight_above_them.png

  3. Flight path of both B-52s that were seeing flying south-east from North Dakota earlier today. http://crystal-clear-research.com/2020_general_election_chronology/Superbowl_2021/20210207_212900_B52_Pair_flying_back_to_ND_Base.png

  4. Annotated close-up of flight-path history showing timestamps (in Mountain Standard Time -- 2 hours earlier than Tampa time). Note that they are flying together at exactly the same time as the low-altitude B-52 passes into controlled air-space above 18,000 feet and turns his transponder on again after the low-level fly-over with the other 2 bombers. http://crystal-clear-research.com/2020_general_election_chronology/Superbowl_2021/20210207_182858_Flight_Path_time_and_alititude_of_both_B52s_after_fly_over__annotated.png


19,000 feet = 19 = "S"?

Parallel to current politics -- that there is an invisible B-52 overhead that "no few are noticing"?


I don't know if anyone noticed, but while the 3 bombers flew over the Super Bowl Stadium (Raymond James Stadium in Tampa), that there was a 2nd B-52 flying straight above them at exactly 19,000 feet.... The pair of B-52s flew from ND base, arrived at Tampa, and one of them turned transponder off and flew in formation at low altitude with the other 2 bombers. The one that left his transponder ON was flying at 19,000 feet! I have screenshot evidence that there were actually two B-52s in the fly-over too! (The time in the photo I am linking to here is Mountain Standard Time, which was exactly 18:29:09 in Tampa -- 1 minute before game time!)




19 = "S" ?