Abstract Introduction: In 2020, prior to COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and Brighton Collaboration created a priority list, endorsed by the World Health Organization, of potential adverse events relevant to COVID-19 vaccines. We leveraged the Brighton Collaboration list to evaluate serious adverse events of special interest observed in phase III randomized trials of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Methods: Secondary analysis of serious adverse events reported in the placebo-controlled, phase III randomized clinical trials of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (NCT04368728 and NCT04470427), focusing analysis on potential adverse events of special interest identified by the Brighton Collaboration.
Results: Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an increased risk of serious adverse events of special interest, with an absolute risk increase of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.2 (95% CI -0.4 to 20.6 and -3.6 to 33.8), respectively. Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an absolute risk increase of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 (95% CI 2.1 to 22.9). The excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group in both Pfizer and Moderna trials (2.3 and 6.4 per 10,000 participants, respectively).
Discussion: The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes such as hospitalization or death.
This paper corroborates the below one which also looked at the data from the "gold standard" double blind trials: (US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint, “All Cause Severe Morbidity/Mortality”)
These findings make sense b/c the covid shots suppress your innate immune system (your 1st line of defense against pathogens, cancers, etc.): (Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs)
They also interfere with your adaptive immune system: (The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses, VAIDS)
(participants in Moderna’s adult trial who received the vaccine, and later were exposed to the virus, did not generate antibodies to a key component of the virus as often as did those in the placebo group)
"... As the data above demonstrate, the vaccinated have a lower anti-N antibody conversion rate than the unvaccinated at all levels of viral load.
This is one of the most significant findings of the study because it overturns the heretofore unchallenged idea that decreased seroconversion in the vaccinated is due to less severe infection in this population — which is a benefit provided by the vaccine.
However, this new study shows that even at low viral loads, the unvaccinated are more likely to seroconvert than those who are vaccinated.
In fact, the difference in seroconversion rates is the greatest at lowest viral loads.
The decrease in conversion rates is not a result of a benefit from the vaccine. It is a consequence of it...."
In addition to disabling part of your antibody response (adaptive immunity) the below study shows how it disables your innate immune response. So it takes out both branches of your immune system (innate and adaptive). Pure evil.
The vaccinated are going to become an enormous burden on society. Imagine what impact disabling the innate immune system in hundreds of millions of people would have? That’s what we’re looking at here. (Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs)
Are all 1,000 of these studies wrong? (List of 1,000 plus studies showing the covid19 vaccine is dangerous)
Are all the massive safety signals we are seeing in VAERS, CMS, Yellowcard, EUdras, Vigi Access, and DMED all wrong? Just a coincidence? Same thing with the huge increase in deaths in working aged people reported in the life insurance and funeral services quarterly reports?
Hi All. In light of Dr. Yeadons recent below interview showing serious concerns about the injuries by lot number I decided to create a Tableau visualization so anons could do some digging and also see for themselves. The variation between lots is insane!
(DR. Mike Yeadon: Latest Evidence of Premeditated Mass Murder by Lethal Injection!)
Here's a Tableau visualization I created showing deaths and also serious injuries or deaths by vax lot number for the covid shots:
Happy hunting.
For more visualizations and summaries of the VAERS data (deaths trend over time, deaths by age group, deaths by onset days, deaths by gender, etc.) see here:

Here's some links on preventative and early multi drug outpatient treatment if one becomes symptomatic and other handy links. Essentially for protective and early home treatment use zinc, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and HCQ/Ivermectin. Natural zinc ionophore and alternative to HCQ is EGCG from green tea extract or Quercetin (but this doesn't absorb very well). Vitamin D3 alone can have a huge impact.
Early outpatient treatment once people present with symptoms can prevent 80-90% of hospitalizations and death. Now does it make sense why fauci and others constantly threw cold water on safe, cheap, and effective outpatient treatments? If their existence is acknowledged then no one would take experimental gene therapy shots. No lockdowns. No masks. No social distancing. IOW no FEAR which is needed to keep people pliable and open to manipulation and their rights being taken away. Pretty much the plot of V For Vendetta.
============================================================ (How to get HCQ prescription) (to get Ivermectin prescription) (Updated list of early home treatment for covid19) (FLCCC i-MASK protocol for prevention and early outpatient treatment) (A Guide To Home Based Covid19 Treatment) (meta analysis of Ivermectin studies) (free tool to see VAERS data) (Dr. McCullough - Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection) (COVID 19 Treatment and Vaccines - A Discussion with Dr. Peter McCullough) (Vaccine Coercion - Prof. Risch and Dr. McCullough Speak Out) (COVID Shot Killing Large Numbers, Warns Top COVID Doctor Peter McCullough) (World Renowned Doctor Peter McCullough blows the lid off covid & HCQ/Ivermectin suppression why he can’t recommend covid19 vaccines. Backup link: (DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH (TEXAS SENATE HHS COMMITTEE) TESTIMONY) (Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Peter McCullough speak about the dangers of the experimental Covid-19 injection) (REINER FUELLMICH INTERVIEWS DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH | SESSION 56 | JUNE 13TH, 2021)
^^^ 37:50 mark: spike protein causes hemagglutination, attaches to sialic acid residues in red blood cells. Causes a unique micro thrombosis/aggregation (DR PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD & PETE EVANS DISCUSS A GENTLE APPROACH TO THE VACCINE AGENDA : PART I) (Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products) (Dr. Hodkinson Interview - COVID-19 Vaccines, Infertility & Spike Protein Dangers)
I'm reading through it some more and this lawsuit filed yesterday kicks ass!
They completely call out the deep state for all their bullshit, here are some highlights (this is just a fraction as I'm still reading through it now):
- The Defendants either did lie about asymptomatic spread, or were simply wrong about the science. The theory of asymptomatic transmission — used as the justification for the lockdown and masking of the healthy — was based solely upon mathematical modeling. This theory had no actual study participants, and no peer review. The authors made the unfounded assumption that asymptomatic persons were “75% as infectious” as symptomatic persons. But in the real world, healthy false positives turned out to be merely healthy, and were never shown to be “asymptomatic” carriers of anything.
- Studies have shown that PCR test positive asymptomatic individuals do not induce clinical COVID-19 disease, not even in a family member with whom they share a home and extended proximity.
- According to a study published by the NIH, the ARR (absolute risk reduction) for the Pfizer Vaccine is a mere 0.7%, and the ARR for the Moderna Vaccine is only 1.1%
- Using PCR tests to diagnose anything let alone with 35+ cycles is worthless
- The extremely broad and unprecedented criteria for coding covid19 deaths inflated the death counts
- The vaccines are showing an unprecedented safety signal in the VAERS data with deaths jumping 12,000%
- The vaccines have no long term safety data in humans and were only tested in animals for 60 days then halted
- Since there's no risk of asymptomatic spread and the overall IFR is 0.15% (which includes the inflated death counts) there was never any justification for ANY of the EUA's for the PCR tests nor the vaccines
- Vaccines were authorized without any studies demonstrating where the spike proteins traveled in the body following vaccination, how long they remain active and what effect they have
- No one independently verified the gene sequence sent by the Chinese
- A number of studies were deemed unnecessary and not performed prior to administration in human subjects, including single dose toxicity, toxicokinetic, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, prenatal and postnatal development, offspring, local tolerance, teratogenic and postnatal toxicity and fertility
- Deploying leaky vaccines during the middle of a pandemic has been shown to cause more virulent strains
- The mRNA Vaccines induce our cells to manufacture (virus-free) “spike proteins.” The “spike proteins” are in the same family as the naturally occurring syncytin-1 and syncytin-2 reproductive proteins in sperm, ova and placenta. Antibodies raised against the spike protein might interact with the naturally occurring syncytin proteins, adversely affecting multiple steps in human reproduction
- A study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, “Preliminary Findings of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons,” exposes that pregnant women receiving Vaccines during their first or second trimesters suffer an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies
- A leaked Pfizer document exposes that Pfizer Vaccine nanoparticles accumulate in the ovaries at an extraordinarily high rate, in concentrations orders of magnitude higher than in other tissues. Billions of aggressive spike proteins are accumulating in very delicate ovarian tissues
- Presently, the vaccinated are permitted to donate their spike protein laden blood into the blood supply, which projects all of the risks discussed supra onto the general population of unvaccinated blood donees
- Fifty-seven top scientists and doctors from Central and South America are calling for an immediate end to all Vaccine COVID-19 programs. Other physician-scientist groups have made similar calls, among them: Canadian Physicians, Israeli People’s Committee, Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, World Doctors Alliance, Doctors 4 Covid Ethics, and Plaintiff America’s Frontline Doctors
- In the past, government has halted vaccine trials based on a tiny fraction — far less than 1% — of the number of unexplained deaths already recorded. The scientists all agree that the spike protein (produced by the Vaccines) causes disease even without the virus
- There are numerous alternative safe and effective treatments for COVID-19. These alternatives are supported by over 300 studies, including randomized controlled studies. Tens of thousands of physicians have publicly attested, and many have testified under oath, as to the safety and efficacy of the alternatives Inexplicably, the Defendants never formed or assigned a task force to research and review existing alternatives for preventing and treating COVID-19. Instead, the Defendants and others set about censoring both concerns about the Vaccines, and information about safe and effective alternatives
- Defendants have failed to educate the American public that the FDA has not actually “approved” the Vaccines, and that the DHHS Secretary has not in fact determined that the Vaccines are “safe and effective,” and on the contrary has merely determined, in accordance with the proverbial “weasel language” of the EUA statute, that “it is reasonable to believe” that the Vaccines “may be” effective and that the benefits outweigh the risks. Instead of being so educated, the public is barraged with unqualified “safe and effective” messaging from all levels of federal and state government, the private sector and the media
- After a year of sustained psychological manipulation, the population is now weakened, frightened, desperate for a return of their freedoms, prosperity and normal lives, and especially vulnerable to pressure to take the Vaccine. The lockdowns and shutdowns, the myriad rules and regulations, the confusing and self-contradictory controls, the enforced docility, and the consequent demoralization, anxiety and helplessness are typical of authoritarian and totalitarian conditions. This degree of systemic and purposeful coercion means that Americans cannot give truly free and voluntary informed consent to the Vaccines.
The lawsuit also includes this:
Virtually all scientists, including Dr. Fauci, agree that any PCR test run at a CT value of 35-cycles or greater is useless. Dr. Fauci has stated (emphasis below added):
What is now evolving into a bit of a standard is that if you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more that the chances of it being replication competent are miniscule…We have patients, and it is very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians…somebody comes in and they repeat their PCR and it’s like 37 cycle threshold…you can almost never culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle. So I think if somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you gotta say, you know, it’s dead nucleotides, period. In other words, it is not a COVID-19 infection.
A study funded by the French government showed that even at 35-cycles, the false positivity rate is as high as 97%. Despite this, a majority of the PCR tests for COVID-19 deployed under EUAs in the United States are run at 35-45 cycles in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Under the EUAs issued by the FDA, there is no flexibility to depart from the manufacturer’s instructions and change the way in which the test is administered or interpreted. The chart below shows that all major PCR tests in use in the United States are run at cycles of up to 35 or higher.
Manufacturer’s Recommended Cycle Threshold:
- Xiamen Zeesan SARS-CoV-2 Test Kit (Real-time PCR) 45 cycles
- Opti Sars CoV-2 RT-PCR Test 45 cycles
- Quest SARS-CoV-2rRT-PCR Test 40 cycles
- CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus Real Time (RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel) Test 40 cycles
- Wren Labs COVID-19 PCR Test 38 cycles
- LabCorp COVID-19 RT-PCR Test 35 cycles
Extra sauce: Thomas Renz // Renz Law
His entire firm is dedicated to fighting for "Medical Freedom." They work closely with Frontline Docs.
45K DEATH COUNT FROM COVID SHOT LAWSUIT -- Copy of Complaint and Whistleblower Declaration
PDF of Lawsuit:
PDF of whistleblower affidavit:
These are normie friendly links so share them wide and far to help break the programming.
- WHO report from 2019 stating there’s no evidence masks are effective at reducing transmission:
- Screenshots from WHO report from 2019 stating there’s no evidence masks are effective at reducing transmission:
- CDC quarantine guidance on covid19 exposure said masks don’t protect anyone:
- Masks don’t stop transmission and cause a variety of physiological and psychological damage:
- Fauci no need for the public to wear masks:
- Fauci takes mask off when he thinks cameras are off:
- Watch this doctor destroy the myth about masks:
- Curves are the same regardless of when mask mandates went into effect:
- List of studies on how masks don’t stop aerosolized viruses: