The definition is literally: willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own.

These people are just consumed by hate. They don't act like the title they stand behind. Its really hypocrisy in its purest form. I have no point here. I just came to an awakening I guess. If I were a liberal and stood back to think about this I would be ashamed of myself. Its sickening.


I am very hazy thinking back to the fall of 2015. When was the world told of the Clinton emails? I thought it was in september and thinking back, it seemed to make a big shift in the publics perception of her. Am I insane here? Do we have a similar event coming up for this election you think?


Just like it sounds. Everywhere I look I get the negative shoved down my throat. The drops, the plan, the whole deal. Any good links? Thank you.


Can someone please direct me to an ivermectin paste dosage chart for covid? Many thank yous.


I saw this on someone else's phone and cant find it anywhere. He said 78% were fully vaxxed and 17% partially. Many thanks.


So I usually listen to older ctc shows at night and can only fall asleep to Art's great voice. I had this show on and remote viewer Dames was talking about the future as he always did. I know there is a lot of love and or hate for Dames and his infamous kill shot but he said a couple things that really hit home. He was talking about the "mark of the beast" being a vaccine passport of sorts. He said it would be for AIDS but that it would be mandated and you would not be able to buy or sell or work without it. He also talked about the false prophet from revelation, not being born of a woman. Its television according to him....or msm. Its going to convince people to worship the antichrist and get the mandate. I gotta say, regardless of your beliefs, it kind of gave me chills in how close to what seems to be coming.


I am not a scientist but it seems to me that logic dictates that a virus would mutate to get around defenses. There would be no need to mutate if nothing changed. Throw the vaccine in the picture and you have a need to change or die, the virus I mean. Could someone that knows about this please explain.


If Trump came out today and told us all to stop getting the vax, its bad news what would happen? The deep state would use that opportunity to vilify Trump, operation warp speed (which kept our country open) blame everything that is going to happen on him and then promise a new and better vax (which is really the same vax). Probably 2 years down the road after they lock everything down and destroy our country. He does not have a choice right now. Playing the game. I do believe this war has to come out in the open first.


In these times where it is all but impossible to get some accurate numbers, does anyone know what is what? Meaning, what percentage of those unvaxed are being admitted to the hospital? MSM is blaming all of this on those without the jab of course but I was hoping to get some accurate numbers. Many thanks.


Its unsettling. I am not looking for what the plan is or where the plan is or even who the plan is. I am looking for "Hold the line." or "Stand tall". or better yet, "patience". Morale is at an all time low amongst many of us. People are starting to talk about making things happen on their own. If they have it all and nothing can stop what is coming and its going to be biblical will someone please make me feel better and explain why not a single word has been dropped? Thank you.