villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump did not attend any Bilderberg conference and it is not clear why. He was probably never invited. But it is also possible that he declined the (hypothetical) invitation. In any case, Trump's collaborators participated at Bilderberg conferences, especially at the conference in 2017, which took place in US Chantilly. This gathering was attended by three Trump's men – the secretary of commerce Wilbur Ross, the national security advisor Herbert McMaster and the assistant to the president for strategic initiatives Christopher Liddell. Moreover, Trump's relative and advisor Jared Kushner appeared at Bilderberg meeting in 2019. Plus, the billionaire investor and Trump's supporter and advisor Peter Thiel is member of Bilderberg Group's steering committee. Even if only via these people, Bilderbergers had “channels” for communication with Trump. Yet, they obviously could not persuade him to change the more protectionist and isolationist White House policies.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still, many big names belong to the group of politicians, who got promoted after their appearance at Bilderberg conference(s). Examples include both right-wing and left-wing politicians like Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Stephen Harper, Pedro Sánchez, Alfred Gusenbauer, Stefan Löfven, Antonio Guterres, Jose Manuel Barroso, Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel, Christine Lagarde, Kristalina Georgieva, Jens Stoltenberg, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Zoellick, Pascal Lamy

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The chapter argues that globalization has become the new grand theme of virtually all social sciences. It supports the uncommon view that globalization is an elite-driven phenomenon. Therefore, global elite should be at the center of scholarly investigations. In this context, the chapter concludes that neo-Marxism is best equipped to address the topic of global elite. The reason lies in the virtues of neo-Marxist concept of transnational capitalist class (TCC). The review of the literature on TCC is probably the most thorough one, because it also includes less known authors. The chapter stresses that neo-Marxists are the only academics who relatively systematically study transnational elite clubs. Origins of the TCC theory dates back to Stephen Gill's pioneering analysis of Trilateral Commission.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bilderberg conference in 2017 took place near the White House and its agenda included the topic of Donald Trump's policies that caused friction in transatlantic alliance. Skelton inferred that most Bilderbergers did not like Trump's course. He speculated that Bilderberg Group could try to discipline or even depose Trump: “Perched ominously at the top of the conference agenda this year are these words: “The Trump Administration: A progress report”. Is the president going to be put in detention for tweeting in class? Held back a year? Or told to empty his locker and leave? If ever there’s a place where a president could hear the words “you’re fired!”, it’s Bilderberg.” (The Guardian, 1.6.2017)

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dissertation Abstract Summary:

This dissertation examines the global elite clubs, focusing on the Bilderberg Group, a transatlantic forum. It challenges both paranoid and benign views of such groups. Theoretically, it underscores the importance of neo-Marxism and supports the idea of a transnational capitalist class (TCC), particularly a Euro-Atlantic TCC, with Europe being the most cohesive faction. Empirically, it utilizes data from the Bilderberg Group's official website and compiles new datasets on post-Cold War Bilderberg conferences, offering insights into attendees and discussion topics. The research suggests that while the Bilderberg Group remains influential, its power is waning, as evidenced by events like Brexit and the failure of TTIP. The study also explores the idea that attending Bilderberg meetings can boost political careers, noting many attendees later held significant political roles. Lastly, the dissertation observes that while the Bilderberg Group is no longer a media taboo, only a few outlets, like The Guardian, consistently cover its meetings.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +3 / -2

America was built on lies and will stand tall by the truth. There will be a MAGA but only after its population awakens and understands its past and how it has been exploited and exploiting the rest of the world for "them". I don't see greatness in a mountain of lies but in its good people that collectively will come stronger out of a couple of centuries of lies they had to sell first in America in order to conquer the world with them. Great story by the way! They built Washington DC and the Twin towers in order to be "sacrificed" at a later date (astrology and numerology).

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The site expires on october 9 will see what happens den

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

It might be trolling by the white hats

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Washington did to in England

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

It might be trolling or a game. If you go to the calendar, they have an event. The main speaker is John Montagu who was the name of the Hellfire Club member (4e comte de Sandwich). From there on is anyone's guess.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are they trolling the Roths? I smell some trolling more than a trap or a recruitment game

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

After digging around this hellfire club, Illuminati secret society story pop culture starts to jumo into scene


In the Marvel Comics comic book series The X-Men, the Hellfire Club (1980) is an ancient club for the rich and hedonistic with Regency Era trappings that has branches all over the world, concealing the "Inner Circle", a powerful and influential criminal organization that has played a prominent role in various story lines since its introduction during the Dark Phoenix Saga. Neil Gaiman named a debauched bar in the underworld "The Hellfire Club" in his comic book series The Sandman (1989–1996). The Hellfire Club and Dashwood play a role in the comic Hellblazer. The Hellfire club is features in at least two numbers of Italian comic book series Martin Mystère. Drama

The 2001 audio play Minuet in Hell features the Hellfire Club led by a descendant of Sir Francis Dashwood. Film

The 1960 film The Hellfire Club starring Keith Michell and Peter Cushing depicts Dashwood's organisation. The 2002 film Demonlover features a website called Hellfire Club, an interactive torture site on the dark web which broadcasts sadomasochism live. In the 2011 film X-Men: First Class, the Hellfire Club is infiltrated by CIA agent Moira MacTaggert (Rose Byrne) suspecting communist activity. Once inside, she discovers that U.S. Army Colonel Hendry is colluding with Sebastian Shaw to turn the Cuban Missile Crisis into a full-scale nuclear war. The 1999 Stanley Kubrick film Eyes Wide Shut includes a scene strongly resembling a Hellfire Club, in which masked members of societal elite participate in rituals including chants, while engaging in orgy-like sexual activities. Television

The Avengers episode "A Touch of Brimstone" (1966) had Steed and Mrs. Peel infiltrate a modern incarnation of the club whose pranks were expanding to destroy the government. The Blackadder the Third episode "Ink & Incapability" (1987) begins with a scene in which the Prince Regent mentions having drunk at the "naughty Hellfire Club" the previous night. The Hellfire Club makes an appearance in "Deliverance", a 2014 episode of the TV show Sleepy Hollow. In the Gotham episode "The Blind Fortune Teller" (2015), the Hellfire Club is said to be a "Satanist cult that committed a string of ritual murders." The Hellfire Club is investigated on Season 6, Episode 8 of Ghost Adventures, a television show on the Travel Channel that investigates paranormal hotspots. The first chapter of the fourth season of the Netflix original series Stranger Things is titled "Chapter One: The Hellfire Club". The Dungeons and Dragons club that the character Eddie Munson runs is named "The Hellfire Club". A 19th century version of the Hellfire Club is revealed to be the overarching villains in the first season of the Irish-Canadian TV series Dead Still. Music

Hellfire Club, released on 6 April 2004, is the sixth album by German power metal band Edguy.[51] In 2011, rapper Nocando founded the record label Hellfyre Club. On EP Catcher of the Fade, the label's rappers made reference to Dashwood.[52] The 2020 album by thrash metal band Gama Bomb references the Hellfire Club in the song "Lords of the Hellfire Club". The Electric Hellfire Club was an American industrial metal band mixing elements of glam metal, techno, gothic rock, and psychedelia. The band's lyrics contain tongue-in-cheek references to sin, violence, sex, devil worship, and similar themes. The band also made use of sampling, mainly from low-budget horror films.

The Hellfire Club could be a place for characters like Tony Stark to confront their darker sides, and highlight the small good remaining in villains like Kingpin. It could be the perfect showcase for morally flexible figures like Emma Frost, heroes with a willingness to do hard things for the greater good. The club could serve as a unifying presence across the Marvel Universe, allowing it to become a place for crossovers to flourish. It could even become the ultimate peaceful meeting place for the heroes and villains alike, a setting where character dynamics and bargains are more powerful than super-strength or laser eyes. The concept of the Hellfire Club becoming more of a morally flexible Marvel staple instead of a consistent X-Men threat is exciting and deserves to continue even after their current mission resolves.


villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok so down the Hellfire rabbit hole https://www.thevistapress.com/hellfire-societe-thomas-calabrese/ we find them destroying the Hearst empire with the help of the D. Rockefeller, J. Paul Getty, Andrew Carnegie, Leland Stanford, Henry Ford, Cornelius Vanderbilt and J. Pierpoint Morgan. usual suspects. But he was saved (temporarily) by The Warriors of the Six Spears were King Leonidas of Sparta personal bodyguards or their descendants in some way, who were the enemies of the Hellfire Club. then In the 1950’s, Hellfire Societe member Congressman Joseph McCarthy used the strategy of accusing people of despicable criminal behavior and treasonous activity of which he was the greatest offender. McCarthy became the most visible public face in a period in the United States in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of Communist subversion. He alleged that numerous Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States federal government, universities and film industry. His reckless demagogic and unsubstantiated accusations destroyed numerous lives and ripped our country apart.

The ‘Warriors of the Six Spears convinced select Senate members to condemn McCarthy on December 2, 1954. After his censure, McCarthy continued his senatorial duties for another two and a half years, but his career as a major public figure had been unmistakably ruined. His colleagues in the Senate avoided him; his speeches on the Senate floor were delivered to a near-empty chamber or were received with conspicuous displays of inattention. The press that had once recorded his every public statement now ignored him, and outside speaking engagements dwindled to almost nothing. McCarthy had always been a heavy drinker, but after the censure he drank more than ever. When he was not drunk on whiskey, he was on the ‘so called wagon,’ which meant he indulged heavily on beer and morphine. McCarthy died at the Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 2, 1957, at the age of 48. His death certificate listed the cause of death as ‘Hepatitis, acute, cause unknown.’ Only members of the ‘Warriors of the Six Spears’ knew that he died from an overdose of alcohol and narcotics while alone one evening in his home.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let me grasp this, https://www.thelanesarmoury.co.uk/shop.php?code=20870 A Parish history from 1925 stated that members included "Frederick, Prince of Wales, the Duke of Queensberry, the Earl of Bute, Lord Melcombe, Sir William Stanhope, K.B, Sir John Dashwood-King, bart., Sir Francis Delaval, K.B., Sir John Vanluttan, kt., Henry Vansittart, afterwards Governor of Bengal, (and Paul Whitchead the poet". Meetings occurred twice a month, with an AGM lasting a week or more in June or September. The members addressed each other as "Brothers" and the leader, which changed regularly, as "Abbot". During meetings members supposedly wore ritual clothing: white trousers, jacket and cap, while the "Abbot" wore a red ensemble of the same style. Legends of Black Masses and Satan or demon worship have subsequently become attached to the club, beginning in the late Nineteenth Century. Rumours saw female "guests" (a euphemism for prostitutes) referred to as "Nuns". Dashwood's Club meetings often included mock rituals, items of a pornographic nature, much drinking, wenching and banqueting. It has a cast bronze polished pistol-grip style hilt, decorated with relief rococo swags beneath a relief face of a demonic type beast on both sides, upon the offset pommel, each surmounted with the demons face, with its mouth open, the pommel also bears a grotesque face. It is terminated with a most unusual form of downswept, inverted cruciform quillon cross guard.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Down the rabbit hole I found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Montagu,_4th_Earl_of_Sandwich the Earl of Sandwich. Sandwich is a word used all over the world correct? who is this guy? He was educated at Eton and at Trinity College, Cambridge,[3] and spent some time travelling, initially going on the Grand Tour around Continental Europe before visiting the more unusual destinations of Greece, Turkey, and Egypt which were then part of the Ottoman Empire.[4] This led him later to found a number of Orientalist societies.[5 Sandwich was also made ambassador to the Dutch Republic during the talks. Using the resources of the British secret service, Sandwich was able to outmanoeuvre his French counterpart by intercepting the latter's secret correspondence.[11] His service at Breda drew him to the attention of the influential Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle, who lobbied for him to be given high office when he returned home. The modern sandwich is named after Lord Sandwich, but the exact circumstances of its invention and original use are still the subject of debate. A rumour in a contemporaneous travel book called Tour to London by Pierre-Jean Grosley formed the popular myth that bread and meat sustained Lord Sandwich at the gambling table[29] but Sandwich had many bad habits, including the Hellfire Club, and any story may be a creation after the fact.[30] Black Masses became attached to the club, beginning in the late Nineteenth Century when human sacrifices became part of the rituals. Once an individual willingly or unwillingly participated in a murder, his initiation was complete. He was now a member for life in Hellfire Societe and each additional heinous and depraved act sucked him deeper into the pit, never to escape. While members were afforded wealth and privilege that few in this world would ever experience, it came with a steep price… the individual’s soul. The power and wealth of these clubs became massive as they continued to acquire businesses and corporations all over the world. The traditions were handed down from generation to generation and history documented their involvement.

The Virginia Secession Convention of 1861 was called in Richmond to determine secession from the United States. John C. Breckenridge, John Janney, Henry Lewis Benning, Jeremiah Morton and John Smith Preston were all in favor of secession. It was no coincidence that they were all members of the Hellfire Socialite and civil war was their primary intention.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has to be a joke right? They have written these things? or where were they hacked? Is this site for real. The IP expires in less than a month Valid From: 10/8/2022 Valid To: 10/9/2023.

by KittyQ
villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The conversion of Constantine: https://christianrethink.co.uk/christianity-was-hijacked-by-church/

Constantine: https://wou.edu/history/files/2015/08/Tyler-Laughlin.pdf

Constantine Church and State: https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-important-events/council-nicaea-0010969

I need to find the source for the 45000 deaths. some say they were Jewish, others that they were Christians who believe in reincarnation

by KittyQ
villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, Constantine killed 45,000 Christians who believed in reincarnation then created the new bible and killed anyone who opposed it.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "soldados o ejercito de franelas" is one of the names of the kids and youngsters of Venezuela who tried to stop the Chavez and Maduro dictatorship. They did not succeed but created a fellowship with thousands of them who either stayed and died or emigrated and established resilient communities in many of our countries. These kids are now taking the Darien route in the thousands. They would love to have a free Venezuela.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Biden said he is given special permit to 400.000 Venezuelans. It might be to late.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

El Ejecito de Franelas, T shirt Army. They are very intelligent on all aspects of irregular warfare. I don’t know who controls them and they might even be independent for hire groups. You will get to know them. Biden just said he was giving special permits to 400.000 of them.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. The Announcement: For such an announcement to take place on all TV or digital channels, it would require an unprecedented level of coordination and consensus amongst global leaders. This assumes the truth of the cabal narrative.

  2. Presidents and Key Figures: The inclusion of specific figures, like Elon Musk, Trump, Putin, Bobby Kennedy, and Vivek Ramaswamy, is significant and draws on various political and popular culture threads. However, their willingness to be involved in such an event would hinge on many factors, including political motivations, personal beliefs, and the veracity of the claims.

  3. Confession & Processing: The concept of bringing the accused to stadiums to confess their wrongdoings in exchange for leniency is reminiscent of public confession spectacles seen historically in some societies. The logistics and ethics of such an operation would be extremely complicated, and its execution could face significant challenges.

  4. Real-Time Cross-Referencing: With modern technology, real-time processing of data is achievable. However, verifying the authenticity of such confessions and ensuring that the confessions aren't coerced or influenced by external pressures is paramount.

  5. Rehabilitation: The idea of sending the accused to rehabilitation centers implies a focus on restorative justice rather than punitive measures. However, the nature of these centers, their treatment methods, and their effectiveness would be key concerns.

  6. Revealing Truth to Humanity: Presenting the "real truth" assumes that there's a singular truth to be unveiled. Reality, particularly in matters of global power dynamics and secretive operations, is often multi-faceted.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I don’t think the military has many details especially from old school clandestine services like the Cubans, marxists guerrillas and others who are in bed with the elites and journalists in latam. I don't think the people of this world wants to see the whole map of truth told by a cooked up version of it coming from the Great Satan, but a co constructed multi layer cake of truth that comes from every corner, acknowledges corruption across the board and allows us to put an end to the secrecy. Would you like one army or one side to tell you the map? And if someone gives you the map is it more valuable than seeing for ourselves how this truth is weave into being, layer by layer? I would love to see the military show the truth but in a way I don’t think it would unite us. Co-education, Co-construction Co-discovery might help us heel from a disease 🦠 that has a few puppet masters behind it. It’s an idea on an spectrum that goes from shiny guillotíns to leniency and truth and reconciliation commissions.

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