villageidiot22 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, those people were inverting sacred knowledge and perverting the truths alchemists have worked with for centuries. They created a blend of narcissism, power, and black magic. The ascended masters are good people working for all of us. Be more open and understand that Saint Germain is a legitimate component of the Great Awakening. You can look for it at the Hearts Center on YouTube and many other places. Stop unthinkingly following the Levitas Brothers' Abrhamanic BS.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

Saint Germain: The Storm Is Upon Us Posted on 01/20/2021 by EraOfLight saint germain eraoflightdotcomI am Saint Germain.

I ask you now to take a moment as you are coming back into your body to take several deep breaths. Breathe. Hold the light within you. Be the light within you. Allow yourselves now to feel the love that is coming into you. Just feel it permeating throughout your body: the love of the Creator, the Source. The Source that is within all of you, all of us. Feel that immense love. That higher consciousness coming over you and through you now. Know that you are going to be taking this love of this higher consciousness and assimilating it within yourself, and then spreading it out. Spreading it out to all that are ready for this.

For this is the awakening. The awakening that you have all been working for, and working toward, and preparing for. Not only for this lifetime, but through many lifetimes you have been preparing for these moments now. This great awakening that is upon us all.

This awakening is about to happen to many across the planet and to this country, The United States of America, as people are awakened, what has been happening to what is in the process of happening right now. It is not something they can hold off, even if they try to. Even if those ones that are yet still asleep, if they say nothing is happening, it will be happening regardless.

Those of the dark forces cannot hold this energy back. They cannot hold this destiny back. It is not possible. For the dark forces have already been overcome by the Forces of Light. They just do not know it fully yet. But they have an inkling. They have that premonition within them, that they have reached the end. That is why they are doing everything that they can now to hold it off. To hold off ascension. To hold off your awakening. To hold off the revealing of the truths everywhere. But deep down within them, they know it is a lost call. Yet they will fight to the end, many of them.

Some have already capitulated. Some have already come over to the side of Light. Some have already given up and allowed themselves to be taken out of the picture.

But the picture that is in front of you now is still fraught with disconcerting thoughts and images that are being portrayed everywhere by your media, by those that believe they are in charge, yet they are not in charge. Not anymore. Forces of Light, your Alliance, which is comprised of not only people here on the planet, but the Galactics themselves are a part of this Alliance, and have been working diligently with our president, working side-by-side to bring about these immense changes that are about to occur. Immense changes that, again, those of the deep state, the cabal, the Illuminati, are doing everything they can to hold back, thinking they have won in some cases. Where they believe they have won the presidency back. They believe they have won the Congress back. They believe that they have overcome those of the Patriots, the Right side.

But this is not a political battle. This is not Republican versus Democrat. This is Light versus dark. This is good versus evil. You all are in the process right now of bringing this all together. You, the Boots on the Ground, the Alliance, the President, the other leaders of the rest of the countries that have turned over to the light, and many have. Some still have not, and likely will not. But they have been given every opportunity to come over to the side of the Light, and have chosen not to. They will be dealt with in various ways, some that you will see here, and some that you will not.

Because it has been determined by many of the councils that only so much of this will be revealed to the public of this planet at this point. I say “at this point,” because eventually all will be revealed to all that are ready to hear it and to see it. As always, it is for ‘those that have eyes to see and ears to hear.’ And many, many more are finding those eyes and those ears now to be able to understand the truth, and be able to accept the truth.

At one time, the Council said that the population of the earth was not ready for the truth, that you could not handle the truth here. That has been changed. And it has been changed by the Great Plan that is in the works. That is why we and many others have said “trust the plan.” That is why the organization known as ‘Q’ has come on and said ‘trust the plan.’ Because those that are involved in this plan, that are involved in the inner workings of it, know that it will work, and that it is in the process of working now.

The storm is upon you, my friends. It is here now. And it is going to become quite severe in certain points. But only to those that are not ready to see it, that do not understand what it is, what this storm is. A storm to you is an opening, an awakening to fully [know] who you are. That is what the storm is to you, as you are looking at it. But the storm is also happening within each and every one of you. It is happening inside. That storm is raging within all of you. But yet, the storm that is raging within you: you are able to understand and handle it.

But for those that are still yet asleep, they may well have great difficulty in understanding what is happening and why it is happening. That is where all of you come in. All of you who have been preparing for these moments. That is when you step out from the Light and show them, show them the light. Show them the vibrational frequency that they can now be in as well. For in that vibrational frequency, and those higher vibrational frequencies, the truth resides. Always remember that.

And you are moving to a point now where the truth will be coming out from many different directions, from many different sources, and in many different ways. The truth shall indeed set you free. For it is destined, it is prophesized that these are those end times. This is it. You have arrived! So be ready now. Be ready for the changes that are coming.

Prepare yourselves, as you are learning to prepare. Have supplies. Have water. Have all that you need to bring you through these somewhat tumultuous times that lie ahead.

For we have said many times “fasten your seatbelts for the road could become quite rocky.” Well, you have reached that rocky road. Let yourselves now be ready to move across that road, and to assist others in doing so as well. For this is the time. These are the moments. Brace yourselves, for you have arrived.

I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And for you all to know that the storm is upon you.

**Source 1 2 **Channel: James McConnell

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are three links attached in the first comment. You can dig there and find the whole trail to Europe. They were the enemy within, and Bush taught himself to be an incarnation of one of their secret religious demons.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

My anon radar tells me that 24 hours means 1 week and 48 means 2 weeks. It is very suspicious that you give a warning for such a short time. It makes sense if that way you signal your team to activate when you actually need them to. Have you heard of such a specific kind of warning before? It sounds suspicious to you?

villageidiot22 14 points ago +14 / -0

I hear applause from dead former strategy masters each time they "get the trap," meaning they understand the purpose of allowing Clownworld to deploy COVID.

I'm baffled by how simple it was to use their own DoD-developed C19-Joe Biden Pre-Printed Ballots operation from 2008-2009) against them.

According to the former clandestine desk head at Clownworld, the great Robert David Steele, and many other sources of intelligence from various countries, the influenza panics and many other health-related psyops have been extensively understood and studied since 2012.

The EU had a whole day of debates explaining this story around that same year. It was vox populi.

Even China had to explain to their health officials that chloroquine at that time was enough to prevent SARS.

This health-based kind of psyop was very well known. So that all militaries and white hats around the world can see from themselves and their studies before the deployment of C19 that it was an Obama Clownworld era op to install Joe Biden as China had pre-printed millions of ballots for a man they had already bought with among other things pedophilia extortion on his bag man (hunter).

JFK and others have reconstructed that Obama-era op and the ballot harvesting, and we have Taiwan researchers to thank in part for information about the ballots at different Chinese consulates, including the one with the fire in Texas.

It is all about the Executive Orders. The clown world is over; the only thing they can do is buy some time.

Semper Fidelis Lo Que Sea Cuando Sea Como Sean Donde Sea WWG1WGAWW. 🌊

villageidiot22 3 points ago +5 / -2

Those who want to hasten civilization's collapse built all these cities, buildings, and temples to be sacrificed on particular dates to harness the energy for their collapse and resurrection rituals. I do understand that Washington, DC, has an architectural design in the form of an inverted pentagram for this "future" purpose or the twin towers being Boaz and Hachim, who were sacrificed in one of their favorite crazy club dates to harness that energy for the bombing of the Middle East and consequential migrations that diluted the western mind in Europe. These people are batshit crazy, and the Ascended Masters have had enough of this shit already and are going to reset this realm with the help of all the GODS and all the DEMONS. Both will work together at last and will dethrone the crazy vampire class.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

www.rt.com US elections falsified – Putin Vladimir Putin has suggested the US “rigged” its 2020 election with mail-in ballots, saying the vote in Russia was far more honest www.rt.com

villageidiot22 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't have a link; I have some screenshots. The story goes like this. In 2011, Lyudmila Ocheretnaya said they took her husband Vlad 1.0 and returned someone else to the presidential palace. She divorced and went away for a while with their daughters, citing that the new Putin was not her husband. Plain and simple. Putin then married another woman, changed his personality and political discourse,e and sent Russia on a restoration and recovery path that we all know now. There were some pictures from Vlad 1.0 compared to Vlad 2.0, so you might find a trail of crumbs; there is even one of him inside the cage they use for accused/ convicts in Russia. I can't dig today, but I will do it during the week and try to come up with something. But remember, it is all in Russian, so it is not easy. Maybe some anons can help?

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

When did they send the children back to inhabit the mud-flow-destroyed cities? Are these people being used for population replacement 🤔

villageidiot22 7 points ago +7 / -0

Who here remembers the BBQ guy in House of Cards? You know the guy who arranged the devil talk at the BBQ joint? Have you heard the news about Haiti? How does the BBQ joint for Killary go down there? Probably masons, right? Or what do you think of this soft disclosure (in your face for anons but steal part of the unveiling for normies)?

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have seen it in a couple of videos already. The last time we did this, it was legit. Someone else can do that chore for me today. I'm in another mood fren.

villageidiot22 47 points ago +47 / -0

It doesn't get more precise than this. Vampire referes to the death cult; the ball references the ritual and elitist carelessness of the true untouchables of this realm, the sons and daughters at the service of the death cult.

Their ball is over?

What do you say? The End Of the Cabal is near!!!

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

George Bush Sr tought he was an incarnation of one of his demons tasked with deploying many of the sacrificial rituals in their crazy death cult. What a way of dealing with them.

villageidiot22 6 points ago +6 / -0

The jokers being the secret handshake club politicians and media operatives and the clowns being the intelligence agencies gone bat shit crazy that in many ways are a true religious terrorist organization. 😳 amazing stuff 👏 🙌 . That truth and reconciliation commissions can't come sun enough.

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

All will be exposed now. Trump will have to have "that talk" with all this clever guys who are (twice in 4 years) being duped by the CIA. I'm guessing if he can't have that talk publicly he will have to get that message out trough anons. There are several Q drops that are now worth revisiting.

villageidiot22 14 points ago +14 / -0

Today I was memeticalky watching at the masterpiece of Trump following clown world to their last consequence and destroying them by allowing the CIA and DoD + democrats to deploy covid to steal the elections in the US and the Great reset worldwide.

They all acted willingly and now we caught them all vipers in this great sting operation.

All the vipers in the same basket.

Fucking Glorious

I'm not only behind the boss 100% but now I know 100% sure that the boss not being able to tell the truth was the only way to get rid of the CIA, a now clearly exposed religious terrorist organization capable of deploying the largest attack on civilians ever perpetuated in order to steal an election.

I'm hearing applause in heaven at this simple stroke of genius. Let the crazy bastards do their crazy shit to caught them all.

If all of Q was a counter op against the CIA it all makes sense, Bush Sr funeral: message to the CiA controlled politicians to activate the adversary into their must desperate play.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you Chief for all the work and love you give us. I’m very happy to have this post gathering people around the simple and uncomplicated fact that “elections in 2020 were falsified”. Simple fly's smooth

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