villageidiot22 6 points ago +6 / -0

Today Biden is in Miami. I'm going to be here for a week in case some anons would like to exchange intel face-to-face about all the cards on the table as they are now played in front of the world. No longer hidden by the MSM clowns, reality is coming en vogue again. Anon meet up Miami style (I dj)

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

That script was replicated by all of them. All the vipers tied down in a great knot.

villageidiot22 12 points ago +12 / -0

Some anons said here at G that Abbot would let everyone in until the electoral year and then close the border. It's a pretty accurate prediction if you ask me.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

They used these techniques to fight back, the truckers, farmers, and general population were getting organized and effectively using these techniques. I don't see any American doing the same. You might try to do it for once. Try it !

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

The globalists are surrounded and we need to fire at them with all we have got. Small, medium, or large memes, info bits, etc are all welcome to be used. I don't see how your "fact checkers" could do anything but expose themselves and their lies.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope so. Sometimes is more of a serendipity thing. But I do feel we all need to integrate and transcend the digital into the analog. Let´s hope so

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hello Frens, I'm going to Miami for the first week of February and would love to share some intel and do some planning with anons.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The academic head at Builderberg (builderberg 6uil6er6erg) was Professor Schwab

villageidiot22 6 points ago +6 / -0

k the two sides of the Atlantic had some nasty pedo rings, Jimmy Savile and the royals, these "businesspeople" with the clergy in the US serving what? CIA ?? Amazing how complicit the media is in all this. ¨God bless the souls of those who were trafficked

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The post is not showing on my side

villageidiot22 14 points ago +14 / -0

“It is easier to fool a man than it is to convince him he has been fooled”

  • Mark Twain

“Knowing ignorance is strength, ignoring knowledge is sickness”

  • Lao Tzu

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

  • Ayurvedic proverb

“There is no AMA, there is an American drug syndicate… those boys hate the word ‘cure’ like the devil hates holy water”

  • Dr. Royal Raymond Rife

Disease is the biggest money maker in our economy.”

  • John H. Tobe

“Poisons and Medicine are oftentimes the same substances given with different intents.”

“The wound is the place where light enters you” -Rumi

“Belief is a socially mandated illusion” ​- Meg Benedicte

“Before one heals, one must be willing to give up that which is making him sick” ​- Hippocrates ​ “No prophet is accepted in his own village; no physician heals those who know him”

  • Jesus, Gospel of Thomas

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society.” -Krishnamurti

“Theres big money in keeping you fat, sick and stupid”

"True healing is not a quick-fix, but a regeneration"

  • Arnold Ehret

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

  • Edison

“The pharmaceutical industry does not create cures, it creates customers.”

“I didn’t say it would be easy. I only said it would be the truth.”

  • Morpheus

“One who believes does not have the clarity to recognize that one actually does not know”

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Revelation 10: The Truth About the Spiritual War 1.) What we are witnessing play out on the world stage is more than just a war between nationalism and globalism. It is more than just a war between the new scientific/military elite and the old financial elite. What we are really witnessing is a spiritual war. 2.) On one side of this spiritual war is the cabal, a centralized ancient Babylonian Satanic Beast system of enslavement through debt, deceit, rape, torture, sacrifice, blackmail, and mind control. 3.) On the other side is a decentralized Alliance of spiritually awakened individuals. Some are Christians, some are Buddhists, some are former Satanists who saw the light and broke free, some are former atheists who had a spiritual awakening—there is no one central religious dogma of this Alliance. 4.) What naturally self-organizes the Alliance is the unanimous awareness and rejection of the cabal. Truth and Freedom are held as the highest of virtues, in direct defiance to the lies and slavery of the cabal. 5.) A unique aspect of the two sides of this spiritual war are the diametrically opposite methods of organization. While both are a form of self-organizing system, the cabal is a centralized system with a vertical power differential, while the Alliance is a far more decentralized system with a more horizontal power differential. 6.) Another vital aspect of the structural difference is that the cabal uses blackmail slavery and bribery to hold itself together; if given the chance to flip in exchange for blackmail amnesty and freedom, most blackmail slaves flip. If the money stopped flowing to the mercenaries, and the bribed—they, too, walk away. 7.) On the other hand, the Alliance uses no coercion nor any financial incentives, for their members self-enlist. Indeed, there is nothing the Alliance could even do to shake their Illuminated Suns from adherence to the light, and from fighting for truth and freedom as long as we live. 8.) We are under no obligation, yet nothing can stop us from fighting. We are given no explicit orders, yet we each understand the ‘commanders intent’ (CI) and translate it into the actions we each can take to further the Great Awakening. 9.) Some of the most powerful and effective members of the Alliance are defectors from within the cabal itself, and from within the many organizations the cabal has long parasitized and commandeered to do its bidding. 10.) This not only accelerates our progress, but strikes fear and confusion into the cabal hierarchy. They cannot be sure who has turned, and is now working for the Alliance, and who is still effectively enslaved. 11.) The heavy reliance of the cabal on self-serving opportunistic psychopaths has quickly become their greatest liability, as these people increasingly see the writing on the wall, and quickly flip on their masters. 12.) The Great Awakening is a self-organizing chain reaction. What Trump’s election in the US and Bin Salmon’s consolidation of power in Saudi Arabia have both demonstrated to the world and the cabal is the principle of ‘Light Supremacy.’ 13.) The principle of Light Supremacy is that the first to wield the light/disclosure as a weapon, will inevitably vanquish their dark-aligned criminal adversaries. The first to change the game will inevitably have the advantage in the new game. 14.) The process of the controlled demolition of the cabal, and the self-organization of the Alliance, is tied to the process of the Great Awakening of the general population to the existence of the cabal, and all their lies, and crimes. It is an uncomfortable process, for most, but one that everyone will go through, soon enough. 15.) The Great Awakening is a chain reaction, and it has already reached criticality—it is already out of anyone’s control. Some will do their best to try to steer it in one direction, or another, by choosing to shine more light on one subject than another. The result, however, is just more light. Like trying to control a forest fire by choosing one side of the fire to pour gas on. The more anyone tries to control it, the brighter it blazes. .

villageidiot22 10 points ago +10 / -0

Revelation 3: The True Meaning of ‘Illuminati,’ and the Truth About Social Darwinism and Royal ‘Bloodlines’ 1.) One of the greatest and most powerful secrets of all—which is hidden from the majority of cabal members—is the supremacy of light, and the inevitable triumph of light over darkness. The primacy of this secret is the reason for it not only being hidden in plain sight (one of their favorite tactics) but being hidden in the absolute pinnacle of plain sight: ‘Lucifer’ (lit. ‘light bearer’) and ‘Illuminati’ both encode this most essential and dangerous truth: light supremacy is inevitable. Truth and God will inevitably triumph over lies and evil. That which the dark occultists fear most, their greatest secret, they chose to hide from each other in the most obvious plain sight—the very semantic pinnacle of the ‘Luciferian’ ‘Illuminati.’ 2.) The most convincing lie, with which the inevitable supremacy of light has been occulted from the minions of the cabal, is the concept of ‘social Darwinism.’ Dark occultists fancying themselves ‘social Darwinists’ have mistakenly claimed that psychopathy is the most advanced/evolved trait a human can have. This claim is based on the objective fact that the genetic trait of psychopathy (the inability to feel empathy) has provided the ‘bloodline families’ (genetically psychopathic families) of the cabal an obvious advantage over normal humans. These congenitally psychopathic bloodlines have long ruled Europe as the ‘Royal’ families. 3.) This genetically inherited trait of ‘cold bloodedness’ has allowed the bloodline family members to use Satanic ritual abuse, rape, torture, human sacrifice, and blackmail slavery to wield totalitarian control over each other, and the shadow government and deep state—for many centuries of successful rule. Such evil methods of control are only possible for psychopaths, for normal humans would not be able to do such things, let alone carry on such traditions for centuries. The idea that psychopathy is an evolutionarily superior trait is a convincing lie, for it has worked so well for so many centuries. 4.) Psychopaths ruled during the Dark Age, when secrecy was the most effective tool for welding control. The most occulted secret is that they are destined to yield, however, to intuitive empaths and illuminated geniuses in the Golden Age, when information and surveillance inevitably becomes so ubiquitous that secrecy becomes impossible. 5.) Psychopathy did enable the creation of a global shadow government through blackmail control networks, and other immoral means, which could only be effectively accomplished by psychopaths. This is similar to the use of scaffolding to build an arch. The arch could only be built by first erecting the scaffold structure around it. Psychopathy is the building material of the shadow government. During the whole construction process, the scaffolding comes first, and the entire structure is held together by the scaffolding. In the end, however, once the keystone of the arch is in place, the scaffolding is no longer needed. 6.) To argue that psychopathy is the most evolutionarily advanced trait is like arguing that scaffolding is the most advanced aspect of an arch under construction. After all, the scaffolding rose first, and has held the whole arch together during the entire construction process. Does that not mean it is the most advanced and long lasting aspect of the structure? That is exactly what a builder would tell pieces of scaffolding, if they were conscious, in order to trick them into being used to build the arch. Social Darwinism was the lie told to the psychopaths of the shadow government, because the occulted truth has always been that the supremacy of light can only be delayed for so long, and the most advanced trait of humanity is our selfless ability to lay down our lives for the greater good. Empathy and love are the most advanced and enduring traits of humanity. Callousness and fear did have a big head start, and long enjoyed total dominion, but in the end love’s triumph is inevitable. The Golden Dawn is inevitable. 7.) Another genetic trait exists, which also plays a significant role in the evolution of man and the dawning of the Golden Age. It has been the subject of both significant research by the CIA and DIA, as well as a prolonged and concerted smear campaign. The media has so effectively ridiculed the subject that it still hasn’t been mentioned in this paragraph. Just as ‘UFOs’ and ‘conspiracy theories’ have been effectively ridiculed and maligned by the mainstream media, so have ‘psychics’ and ‘telepathy.’ What is only now being revealed to the public, however, is that the CIA and DIA (& KGB) not only researched psi abilities, such as remote viewing, etc. but they actively employed them. Eventually the research was taken underground, into unacknowledged special access programs (USAPs), where it has continued to be developed. The combination of genetic modifications of augmented soldiers, or ‘augments,’ whose natural telepathic ability was genetically enhanced, with a further prosthetic enhancement of this ability via sophisticated electromagnetic technology—has given military intelligence the ability to read people’s minds, and communicate via remote influence or telepathy. 8.) Dark occultists have long sought to identify and enslave psychics, to prevent them from working against them. At the same time, they would try to get the rest of the population to ignore and suppress their natural psi abilities by pushing the belief on the general public that such abilities were either superstitious nonsense, or the work of the devil. As the general population begins to rediscover these abilities, however, and as secret military intelligence units enhance and utilize these abilities, the ability to keep secrets is ending, and dawn is breaking. 9.) The most powerful and occulted truth is that the dark night of humanity’s soul eventually and inevitably yields to the Illumination of the Golden Dawn. .

villageidiot22 8 points ago +8 / -0

Protocol 6: Reset Global Financial System 1.) The global financial system will be reset at the Mar-a-Lago Summit. Global sovereign debts will be collectively voided by a one time global jubilee. 2.) In the US the Federal Reserve will be declared unconstitutional and illegitimate and the criminal institution will be dissolved. 3.) The truth will be revealed about how the unconstitutional criminal institution of the Federal Reserve was able to be passed by a corrupted government. The assassinations of the Fed’s biggest opponents (Guggenheim, Astor, Strauss) during the sinking of the Titanic will be brought to light. The blackmail of congress and the president to pass the bill, illegally, and without a legal quorum on what would later become the exoteric Satanic holiday of ‘Festivus’ 12/23/1913 (another rebranding of esoteric Saturnalia) will be revealed. Americans will realize that while the majority of congress was on recess celebrating Christmas, a handful of Satanic pedocrats gathered in DC to pass an illegal bill to give a foreign banking cabal (the one blackmailing them) control of the US financial system. 4.) The money printing authority in the US will be returned to the rightful constitutional jurisdiction of the Treasury. The US dollar will be reset as a legitimate gold backed currency. 5.) All student loan debt will be voided. Debt slavery (indentured servitude through non-dischargeable student loan debt) will be made illegal, again.

villageidiot22 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your blind obedience to Tucker Carlson and all fake (many Mossad) saviors is the reason why I’m and idiot and not a gullible follower like you mate. Go do your research and counter the arguments presented by Nicolas Moras. Milei is a sell out, controlled by corporación America. Fake clown! And you fell for it because “Tucker Carlson told you he was nice? What a waist of my time some of you gullible anons are.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apparently anons don’t like for their dreams and illusion to be questioned? You guys see I’m a village idiot and immediately say, o he is an idiot so he must be wrong as anons are applauding Milei (Tucker Carlson validated him for you? Or why do you trust someone ? Because you heard him say “anti left wing rhetoric? Come on! Anons can and must do better than this! Tucker Carlson has no anons behind him, nobody did any research for him! Tucker Carlson validated this Soros hack but I’m the bad guy? Listen to the fucking videos, please be thorough with your assessments and try to understand who Nicolás Morás is! Look for his work on Kamala Harris (no gringo has done something of that quality in a long time about the Harris Soros connection).

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