wantingtounderstand 3 points ago +3 / -0

breaking news as of about an hour ago:

my wife has said that my oldest is causing a lot of the drama and this has to stop and has demanded that she moves out. she says that she cant take it anymore and that she sees that she's causing a lot of problems in the house.

my oldest has made plans to move in with a friend a few miles away.

we'll see if this sticks.

I do agree with this and think it's the best for everyone. as much as I love her, theres a lot of jealousy going on (lots of stories that I have not told)

wantingtounderstand 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do not have anyone in my life that is, no.

Yes, in our attic is her ex husbands old belongings and the urn that held his ashes (he passed a few years ago). She refuses to let go and get rid of these things.

wantingtounderstand 3 points ago +4 / -1

I feel like this entire family has been MKed. I dont know how to break away from that. Shit is probably targeting us from satellites, for all I know. I've thought on this because of the fact that things are just so bizarre that I feel as as if it's almost humanly impossible to be happening without some type of outside influence

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't believe she cheated, no. But she's got photos of her ex high school sweetheart on her phone who died a few months ago which put her in this weird ass depression. She never told me about it. I found the photos.

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +3 / -2

That's what I told her. Said the same thing again a few days ago to which she said "DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT TO ME, I DID ALL OF THAT MYSELF WHILE HOMESCHOOLING." I was like yeah, I understand that, but what if I told you to pay all the bills and I'm going to go to school for four years, get my degree, then at the end, I say we separate. She's like "YEAH BUT YOU DIDNT! YOU DIDNT GO TO SCHOOL!" she can't put herself in my shoes. There's zero logical thinking going on. I would have expected "Yeah, that's true, I see your point." It's possible that she does see it but would never admit to that.

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really sorry about your brother. This is a really powerful message and I need to reread it a few times. Thank you for this.

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +2 / -1

It wasnt just because of that. It's because it's compounding. Every day of my life there's something new. I agree and try not to get too involved in it, but sometimes I have to.

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +2 / -1

finances. please pray that God opens some doors for me and blesses us with additional income

wantingtounderstand 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've felt like a lot of it has been the shit test, for sure. She just randomly told me the other day, completely out of the blue, that she is going into the military. After much discussion, the next day she says she changed her mind. Think I'm just being constantly psychologically tortured, manipulated, and extorted. All of my emotions, all the time. I had ONE DAY off of work which was Friday. Ive not taken a day off in over a year. Literally (outside of the weekend). She knows this. I had this day planned for the last few months and was really looking forward to just sleeping in and watching some tv. Instead, Friday was filled with the most drama I've seen in the last several months and constant arguments and constant drain. Now it's back to work tomorrow as I have to work holidays. Ridiculously selfish and intentional.

wantingtounderstand 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oof that's good. Maybe it's an intentional split where I'm raising my vibrations and moving into a positive aspect of my life whereas she is focused on the past and cannot live in the present.

wantingtounderstand 4 points ago +4 / -0

I pray consistently. I give gratitude on the daily. I spend as much time in the word as I have available to me, this is often a few hours per day. That includes doing my own self study of the bible as well as listening to sermons. I have drawn very close to God over the last several years and I know that ultimately all of this will be used for his glory. This is actually what makes me wonder if it's why all of this has increased - because I'm getting closer to God and Satan is unleashing everything to prevent it.

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. Those who endure until the end will be saved. I keep telling myself this scripture over and over and over. I, too, look forward to the day that I get to go home.

wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. she refuses. says she doesnt need it and no one else does either. I've really tried to push this. She wont. At the very least, I think I need it for myself so I can heal and get through this.

wantingtounderstand 4 points ago +4 / -0

Completely agree. I can't leave her in all of this toxicity with no battle plan for herself. I must continue pushing on for HER. It's just so damn difficult.

wantingtounderstand 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely. This is most definitely a spiritual war FOR SURE and I can tell that they do not have their armor. I have referenced that scripture so many times to my family and begged that they listen to sermons with me. They're more interested in watching shitty horror movies or crime shows. It's exhausting. I can't even watch that stuff anymore, its just straight up negative energy. I've read about the loosh thing, I dont remember that coming from Q. What did he say about it? And can you explain it all a little further to me? Thank you for your help. I love the camping idea.

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +1 / -0

this is all so good. I love the tea idea. And yes i do see patterns to it. As weird as it sounds, it always correlates to the moon cycle. Always during full moons, that period of a few days right before, during, and after it.

Yes, we are renting. and live right off the highway. I hate it here. All of us do. But we don't have the finances to move out. Our lease is up in just a few months but I'm probably going to have to renew it because I cannot afford to move. I'm praying that God blesses me with additional income somehow and gives me this ability.

wantingtounderstand 1 point ago +1 / -0

100%. Will start working on not feeding it and acting dull about things. I agree that giving my energy to it really gives it the power and definitely think she enjoys the drama. I do have doordash and uber and I drive occasionally. It's not super busy in my area so the most I typically make is like $100 if I'm out all day. Unless its spring break, then it's slammed. but never consistent unfortunately

wantingtounderstand 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is so good and so helpful. Thank you. Your point of "Your youngest daughter reminds your wife of you. She’s going to break up your alliance with your younger daughter at any cost because that’s what narcissists do." is 100% accurate. She's even said "You guys are JUST like each other and youre both JUST like your mother." trying to break the bond that we have.

wantingtounderstand 6 points ago +8 / -2

I have removed it, sorry. Can you please sticky?

Also thank you for the words of encouragement.

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