He is hyping a major announcement that is happening today. Spread the word with excitement. Where are the GEOTUS memes? Where are the 1776 Trump memes? Where is Trump riding a fucking lion in space above tanks firing red white and blue? Fuck your dooming! Get up!


Is there a date for a report? Was it just a rumor?


Y'all realize we would still be locked down if it wasn't for DeSantis in Florida. A story from politico that fox/ newmax ran with, so now everyone shits on DeSantis. What sauce am I missing? CNN running stories of Jeb Bush backing DeSantis. Is it DeSantis on CNN with Jeb? No The Hill stories of what Trump said is garbage. Or Real Raw News who hasn't been accurate on anything in my recollection.

We don't know what's coming in the next two years leading to the 2024 election. Why not chill and give it some time to see where we're heading. Keep your heads people


They need both sides of the political aisle to call for federalizing the police. The police holding parents back would have never made it to mainstream media. It would have been quickly squashed on social media.


This potential hot war with our go to Boogeyman, Russia, could be more than a distraction from the failing economy and the covid narrative collapse. This could be a cover for all the soldier deaths that may pile up from the forced covid vaccinations. It has always been more honorable to die in battle. I apologize if this was already mentioned by someone else


Did Trump ever reinstate it? Did Q ever mention it? Was it ever discussed here? Why was it ever necessary to repeal it?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Storms come: 1 to restore natural balance 2 to cleanse the environment 3 to remove pollution 4 to expose decay 5 to test your strength 6 to maintain humility 7 to reduce life to the essentials 8 to test your foundation 9 to test your building code 10 to give you the key

Keep the faith https://youtu.be/1UfiCE4UMLM


Of course it is! X22

Don't lose hope. We're gaining more people. We're getting stronger every day.

On the plus side I'm going to relocate the family and live in a free state.

We're looking for a small town to raise our family jab and woke free. Everyone seems to be moving to Florida and TX, but their housing market has gone crazy.

I may have to relocate the family if my work pushes the vaccine more. Florida's housing market has gone crazy, so that might be out. What are the states that share our common values? Thanks in advance

Since Florida's housing market has gone crazy. What are the other states that support our values? I may have to move my family, if my job increases the push to get vaccinated.


Risk v. Harm We've been pushed into a corner for months.... Should a child be placed with the people they have stated abused them?.... It was deemed in the "best interest" to place my children in he very care of those people.... My oldest daughter was admitted for in patient treatment for 16 days for SI..... discharged to their "father and grandparents".... the same people that were the diagnosis that required inpatient care..... that and the "actions of DFS".... Documents to follow..... end the abuse.... demand justice for the abuse by authorities.....DEMAND the safe placement of the girls.... SAFETY..... That shouldn't be a question....

Share and help..... before they shut it down and keep me from telling about how this state really runs..... I love a paper trail.... and this one is huge, messy and goes to the top.... Who wants the REAL TRUTH?!

Watch the video link in the comments