Xoaquin Flores, prominent Serbian journalist, whose Telegram channel is New Resistance, reports the following statements from top Putin adviser, Sergei Glazyev:

'🚨 Sergei Glaziev has said there is a coup plot being prepared against Putin, the US is behind it he says, has put adequate finances behind it, and there are important people on the Russian end who are ready to act.

Sergei Glaziev, Presidential Advisor (and advisor to a project I worked heavily in the past - XF), explains the present struggle against the Federal Reserve and the Empire."

"The hanging of Hussein was broadcast on all world TV channels in 2006. The death of Colonel Gaddafi, torn to pieces by the crowd, was also broadcast on all TV channels of the world in 2011. Why do you think this is shown to the whole world? This is a demonstration execution so that all countries can see what will happen to those who want to leave the American financial system.

The US Federal Reserve System (in other words, the US Central Bank) is a private organization owned by 20 private US banks. This is their main business - to print the world's money. To achieve this, the current owners of the Fed have spent a lot of time - decades, centuries, to be exact - and effort - here: World War 1, the coup in Russia in February 1917, and then World War 2 and the Bretton Woods agreements, etc. d. and, of course, the very creation of the Fed in 1907. The Federal Reserve System is a very smart, gigantic in volume and scale financial pyramid scheme.

One thing must be understood here - humanity is dealing with a brilliant, incredibly strong and ruthless group of people who have built the structure of the world in which we live. Their conceptual apparatus does not take into account such concepts as "humanism", "kindness", "compassion", etc. The main thing is numbers, the main thing is profit, the main thing is the arithmetic of transactions. In a situation where it is necessary to destroy people, but make a big profit, there is no particular doubt for them what to do. In their own interests, they can level cities with the ground along with civilians. For them, the only truly meaningful result can only be profit.

And now Russia has challenged them. And the whole world is waiting for how it all ends. If Russia wins, the American financial system will lose half of the planet, China, India will also get out of the influence of the US Federal Reserve. But, for now, there is a deadly fight. We must win otherwise we will be destroyed.

Judging by the decisions being made at the highest level, everything in Russia has been calculated now. So don't panic comrades! Yes, it will be difficult for 1-3 years, yes, there is still a lot of mess, prices will rise, some factories will stop, but soon such a powerful development of Russia will begin, which the world has not seen yet! But before building cities, for example, in Siberia, it is necessary to resolve the issues of the country's security. Near our borders for decades, remove the main military threats, move the NATO military infrastructure away from our borders, this is what the Russian Army is doing now! Only forward! Our ancestors won and we will win!

Sergei Glaziev May 7th '22, pt. 2

I APPEAL TO REAL RUSSIANS WHO REALLY LOVE THEIR HOMELAND! Vladimir Putin is taking Russia out from under the influence of America and Europe.

He himself is getting out of the influence of the oligarchs. The process is underway. This does not suit the West. This does not suit some people in our country either.

Putin has many enemies. A coup d'etat is being prepared. Putin's overthrow is being prepared. America spares no expense for this, and there are people in the country who are ready to do it.

Now there is being waged an information war against Russia and against Putin. Part of this war is deliberate attempts to create a negative attitude among Russians towards what is happening in the country.

To cause dissatisfaction with Putin's policy. Dissatisfied people are more willing to support the coup. What is the end of coups d'etat and the overthrow of presidents. we already know.

A fresh example is Ukraine. Maidan just wanted to change the president, and as a result, the whole country has "Maidan", we have a choice. To support the President of RUSSIA, to preserve the state, to preserve peace and stability, to defend the sovereignty and independence of RUSSIA. That's the main thing right now."