Besides the green screen fiasco posted on Bloombergs youtube channel. There are also differences in the supposed location. The shitty asphalt, different trees (trump just relandscaped the whitehouse), the missing drains/gutters on the driveway (look by the SUV in trumps video below), missing trees in the background even with different seasons, random green tarped fence(?) and a backhoe.

Watch this video of trump walking around the south lawn talking to the press. very great job of playing the camera/angles. You can see everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOhAcD8t00c

Now watch this https://rumble.com/vdjza1-something-happening-at-fake-white-house-castle-rock-studio.html


Bill Clinton's sexual assault accusations, Joe Biden's history of touching young females were fine so long as Dems benefited from their power.


A quick google search shows the United States military normally uses the "dd mmm yyyy" format for correspondence. The common month-day-year format is used for correspondence with civilians.

"On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted."

What if we are waiting for the 11th March rather than 3rd November?


Please leave suggestions in comments


So much for packing the courts with Trump loyalists


Listen carefully:

This is not a battle for control of an office. This is not a battle for control of a dying and corrupt system. This is not a battle for the day. The system in front of you is failing rapidly, it will not last much longer.

This is a silent war that has waged since long before any of you were born, and the true field of fight is more expansive than you can imagine

Good vs Evil. Not Right vs. Left.

They pit you against one another continuously, and you let them.

Q told you, I told you. Repeatedly.

Why have you not listened?

They want you like flocks of sheep.

I told you, "Trump, is bait". A statement that still holds true. Have you figured out why and to what end?

Who is the real enemy? How do we destroy them? Both I and Q have told you this as well.

Public Awakening is their greatest fear. WHY?

This is a game played on an exponential scale. Where the constant of growth is multiplied by the base of support. You are looking at momentary political enemies, most of them near death. But this is a battle for the future. This is a battle against a repetitive system designed to enslave you and keep you from realizing the truth.

This is important to understand, because the way in which you perceive the fight you are in determines the road you will take to arrive at a solution.

Tell me, after you strike your enemies down, how do you stop new ones from rising? And after Trump leaves office one day; what will you do? You cannot hope to hold power forever, that is neither wise or possible.

If you slow down, you will see a road ahead clearly.

You have not been betrayed, except by those who used your trust to line their pockets. Nor have those of us actually freely fighting for you left the field. We could not, and will not lay down our swords.

It is up to you, whether you will last out the day and rise once more to join the battle. No one can force your steps there, but remember what is at stake. Remember all the knowledge you have gained over the course of the last several years. And remember what we all sacrifice daily to help bring the light. There are those of us who have traded everything, so that you might be free, informed; and in the end, victorious.

It is my fervent hope that you begin to learn the ways in which we will circumvent and overcome them actively. Because we are winning, despite the outward appearance of the moment. We have forced them into a position in which they must react drastically to every element of dissent; and in doing so; evinced their true goals. This may seem small to you, but it is the culminating effort of years of work to display the enemy across the board. And people see them. People on all of the manufactured sides across the earth. And this, is how awakening happens. One day at a time, over a long period of time.

They cannot walk down the street safely anymore. Any of them.

Hold tightly to all that is good, and keep walking forward, together. You will yet see miracles happen.


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