wumao 6 points ago +6 / -0

The quality of this image makes me suspicious of it.

That said it claims to be from XRVision, so it might be legit.

Where did this come from OP?

wumao 16 points ago +16 / -0

I'm starting a timeline:

As of now, it appears the organizers are using lefty useful idiots to frame a protest against Child Trafficking while making "Q" related signs. Unknowing to the protesters, they are being used as part of a bigger goal to create the ambiguous imagery and blame any discourse on "QAnons." This is why you get some people still showing up wearing Antifa and BLM shirts. I bet the organizers are hoping they turn violent like the BLM protests (use the same people, right?) so that it gives journalists some ammunition. They aren't aware what the "WWG1WGA" means on their signs. They don't realize that the "Epstein" and "Pedo" stuff is in reference to Q in this context. Like we've seen in the past, people show up, organizers hand out premade signs, and people just hold them in protest against whatever the topic is. Just my speculation.

August 19, 2020
Trump answers Question about Q

August 21, 2020
Video of an alleged “Q Rally” in Chicago surfaces.
•No MAGA apparel
•No US flags
•No media
•No social media planning
•No news about this on any Q forums
•Wearing masks
•Sporadic crowds

Other users point out the suspiciousness of the rally
BLM organizer posting both BLM and Q rally
BLM protester Tik Tok is mostly BLM support and most recent a Q rally
Antifa shirts at a “Q rally”