Interestingly, #UvaldeCoverUp is trending on Tw@tter. We already know the cops aren't being forthcoming regarding their sitting on their bums while children were getting shot. Apparently a lot of libtards biting on this because it's Greg Abbott and Texas GOP's fault. No mention about the feds. Is this an upcoming potential redpill for the masses?


My red-pilled mom went to the doctor recently for a routine check up. At check-in, the receptionist asked the litany of questions regarding covid symptoms and whether she had received the vaccine or not to which she replied "No". She was given a printout of her answers and sent to the waiting room. Looking at the paperwork, all her answers had been correctly documented except the question about her having been vaccinated, which was checked "Yes".

When it was time for the nurse to get her vitals, my mother voiced the error to clear up any misunderstanding. The nurse brushed it aside, "Ah yeah...", like it was some routine thing. She quickly rattled off some excuse that my mom didn't catch and left the examination room with my moms paperwork in hand. All in all just a weird occurrence. My guess is just the clinics getting money per dosage administered. But it also goes to show that even "vaccinated" numbers around the world are likely skewed badly as well.

Previously, she's told me that her doctor agreed with her on the discussion of vaccine concerns and actually confessed that she (the doctor) wouldn't be getting the jab either because "I don't want to deal with that".


I'm looking for a video clip crash course in QFS/Nesara/Gesara that hopefully doesn't go TOO in the weeds in regards to stonks and international banking. Can anyone help please?

I'm on the road right now and the only thing I'm pulling up are poorly recorded interviews that just ramble along. My redpilled parents are asking about it and I have no clue what to tell them other than Private Western Central Bank bad, fiat bad, gold and silver good. Kek.

Any help is appreciated, ferns!


I wanted to get a rough estimate of the general consensus among you fine anons out there.

I've heard many theories about tribunals and executions: some credible, others 'out there'. And I know we're watching a movie with 'great actors'. My question is, which bad actors remain? Assuming the good guys have rounded up big players like GS, LdR, BO, HRC, etc, [who] is still out there potentially ordering false flags, killing witnesses, etc? I'm all ears for whatever theories or opinions y'all have.


There's a coffeeshop I frequent, it's pretty laid back and no one is really wearing their masks at their tables (go figure). I AM in Louisiana, so it's not that bad.

So I decided to skip wearing my mask as I walked out and to my car. I was wearing my camo USA/Trump cap and that's probably what Karen saw first, because she stood shaking her head at me and keeping her distance as I walked down the few stairs to the parking lot. I wasn't even registering her until I heard her mumble: "And no mask..." She really only forgot to call me "deplorable".

I hadn't even realized until I'd gotten into my car that I was being judged and I was kicking myself for missing an opportunity to educate the ignorant. Anyway, I was happy to finally count myself amongst you fine patriots and had to share despite the self-congratulatory-ness of it all...

Knibb High Football Rules!

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