I work at a family business and we sell used trucks to people all over South America. Long time customer from Honduras came to buy a truck. He told my aunt that people in Honduras are dropping like flies right now and that his sons friend (who was healthy and young) got the vaccine because they are forcing them. He ended up dying two days later from the vax. They are claiming it was not from that and that he must have had covid before getting the vax.

I think we should be focusing on death in other countries rather than America. This is a world depopulation effort not just America.

If you have any articles or information could you please drop it below! Trying to wake up normies and could use help getting information. I am specifically looking for the link that takes you to all of the Q proofs. Thanks Anons!


This confirms the plan never involved Trump not "winning" in 2020. Seem subliminally like Mike Lindell is confirming our worries from 2020 election that Patriots are in control.


I wanted to create a discussion regarding rare metals. We all know and have been talking about hyper inflation and how physical metals are the way to go. But the question is, should one buy bullion, coins, or a combination of both?


Patriots, it is happening. We are in a good position. As the media is blocking us out, it is just filling the plan. Right now libs believe this is the downfall of our POTUS and his administration, but they have a storm coming for them. They will not see what is about to hit them. We must stand strong and stay connected. We have waited years for this moment and now is not the time for doubts. RED 1 is ago, it is just a matter of time before the rest follows.


If everyone can, can we try and start posting screenshots or direct links to the Q posts, too many times have people posted links and it directs to the wrong Q posts

Who's loyal??? (twitter.com)
posted ago by yurg ago by yurg