I appreciate catsfive around for being a great mod that doesn’t always agree with me.
How do I call their attention to a post?
The new hotness in town and I love the music but some of his older videos he is left handed.
For example, 8 months ago… https://youtu.be/ZRl0jjMoH2Q?si=g6D5zVzLDZ9A-7vO
And a few weeks ago https://youtu.be/uBPAEL8nDEg?si=vN-lmKmHLKLIdrgk
I am a mediocre guitarist and fairly ambidextrous but I couldn’t switch hands yet alone find a guitar like that that looks the same. Only explanation I have at this point is wag the dog? What the hell is going on?
At 3:03 in the link above, Kennedy has been killles already
I have been watching tom petty music videos for the past couple hours. I am certain that he knew about everything and to the best abilities tried to hel us.
https://youtu.be/s5BJXwNeKsQ In the learning to fly music video, there is a very quick cameo of the kennedy assassination.

If you haven’t read this and are trying to understand what’s going on, this is a good explanation of why the military civilian alliance q talks about is necessary to taking back the country.
But I thought he said he himself was an alien to explain how he gets so much done?

Was this planned? Anybody know what’s going on with qagg dot news?
Qagg had many features but Trump truths with timestamps was particularly helpful for those trying to dig
Q deltas with Trump Truths seem to be pointing to some important news being released tomorrow. Given where we are in the drip drip drip -> flood part of the narrative, what do you think the news will be if the deltas are for this year?
My wish is that the special treatment of GS hits the news
Today my favorite president has launched a bunch of truths but one stood out as being in all CAPS except the words “presidential election”
All the drops for that phrase are worth reading: https://qposts.online/?q=presidential+election+&s=keyword
But 4521 has the most direct and clear message for anons:
"Pursuant to the presidential power to quell domestic violence, federal troops are expressly exempt from the prohibitions of Posse Comitatus Act, and this exemption applies equally to active-duty military and federalized National Guard troops."
What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
Everything you are witnessing [past & present [future]] centrally revolves around the Presidential Election of 2020.
Win by any means necessary [self-preservation].
Jew comms are one of the top possessions of the the nwo.
If we can learn to communicate about the true enemy, it will only help the maga movement
I am excited for what’s next and how we are living in the time where the TRUTH will set us free
Anyone out there have experience with this drug? I an trying to find facts around risks and agenda to share with a friend who was just prescribed this med.
The biggest piece of the stew peter interview which doesn’t make sense to me is the piece about the water being the cause of initial infection. Others have already given decent reasons to be skeptical lime pets not dying and people drinking the venom; but for me there are so even bigger question marks.
why would they need to mess with the flu numbers? Why would covid infections follow normal seasonal cold patterns?
Poison is poison right, If they were getting it into our water supplies all over the world, why would they want it to be seasonal? If the agenda is depopulation, why wouldn’t they just keep a steady stream flowing through the water?
The remdesivir and vax pieces make sense but water contamination doesn’t add up for me.