Leftists like to redefine words. We joke that it's because they can't win arguments -- but the truth is far more sinister. They do it to weaponize language.
We need to understand this and fight back, before it's too late.
Once upon a time, 'racism' meant to judge a person by skin color. Now, they've redefined it to be non-whites only. Then, having established that non-whites are victims and whites are racists, they created 'anti-racism' to mean 'a hatred of white people'. And if you're not 'anti-racist', i.e. if you don't hate white people, then you're a 'white supremacist'.
That is, they've created a war term with which to attack normal white people, and (as AG Garland recently demonstrated) they intend to use it to attack us.
These fake terms just popped into existence recently. And it all started when we allowed them to redefine racism.
They are doing the same for LGBT. Once upon a time, it was normal to be against degeneracy. But they flipped it around. Now they've redefined 'normal' to be pro-tranny and pro-gay. And if you're not pro, then you're 'phobic'.
They've quite literally branded all of us as having a mental illness (an irrational fear)! What do you think happens next? -- Do you think they will start coming for us 'mentally ill' types, and throw us into re-education asylums? The liberals will pretend to care, "we just want to help cure you of your hatred".
It's a war term, just like 'white supremacist', to justify attacking normal people.
This is the danger of allowing them to redefine words.
To fight back, simply stop using their words.
They're not normal, and we're not 'transphobic'. Let these fake words die.
We are normal. They are the 'pro-' or the 'anti-' or the '-phobic', not us.
We are normal, they are 'pro-tranny'. "You can be pro-tranny if you like, but I'm not pro-tranny."
We are normal, they are 'pro-murder'. "I believe that babies shouldn't be murdered. You can be pro-murder if you like, but I'm not pro-murder."
We are normal, they are 'pro-racism'. "I believe that people shouldn't be judged by their race. You can be pro-racism if you like, but I'm not pro-racism."
We are normal. They are the 'pro-' or the 'anti-' or the '-phobic', not us.
Let their fake words die -- before they weaponize them.
The latest news from Pakistan (Pakistan Province Blocks Sim Cards Of The Unvaccinated) got me thinking.
They specifically want to block SIM access, not internet access per se.
Over the last few years, we have been slowly weened into coupling our identity with two-factor authentication (2FA), in order to log in to online banking and other services. This has been done "for our own safety", of course.
But 2FA consists of either an Authenticator app (provided by Google or Microsoft, predominantly), our email address (most people use a free email, provided by Google or Microsoft, predominantly), or our cell number (and therefore our SIM).
If they "banned" a person from the internet, he could just use a friend/family's internet to access his accounts. But when his very identity is tied to a few globalist corporations, or a SIM, he could be fully denied from accessing his accounts.
The SIM is the only control factor that they don't fully control. Hence that is the thing they ban.
Just like with 9/11 and the Patriot Act, they've used "security" as the means to tie us up. Yes, people use bad passwords and 2FA is a decent concept, but the execution has given power to a centralized few.
Consider what services you rely on, frens, and what you would do if they denied you access!
The Steal is obviously unravelling. Mike Lindell's video, the Navarro Report, WallStreetBets, and redpill-dispensing patriots are waking people up faster than the fake news can pacify them.
When this plays out, I think we are looking at not just the restoration of President Trump (with the military tossing out the usurper and nullifying his worthless edicts), but also a massive re-election (using paper ballots, of course) of all House and Senate seats - almost like a Great Reset...
Does anyone else see it playing out like this? Would that be a good thing, or too much uncertainty at once?