Just for giggles, I opened a fresh instance of ADSBExchange to see how the numbers looked and to compare my settings since I still have a lot to learn.
Interesting comparison - both screens show all the same settings (that I'm aware of - I just clicked through every clickable thing and compared what was toggled on and what was toggled off). Both focused on military craft only. Both focused over the continental US and surroundings. In one screen I have a current onscreen count of 1147. On the newer screen, my onscreen count is 253 and climbing slowly. Not sure what to make of that, but it's interesting to note.
And my apologies to all for hijacking the Q drop thread. Yay Q! Very happy to see some comms!
Just for giggles, I opened a fresh instance of ADSBExchange to see how the numbers looked and to compare my settings since I still have a lot to learn.
Interesting comparison - both screens show all the same settings (that I'm aware of - I just clicked through every clickable thing and compared what was toggled on and what was toggled off). Both focused on military craft only. Both focused over the continental US and surroundings. In one screen I have a current onscreen count of 1147. On the newer screen, my onscreen count is 253 and climbing slowly. Not sure what to make of that, but it's interesting to note.
And my apologies to all for hijacking the Q drop thread. Yay Q! Very happy to see some comms!
So weird. Please let me know if you figure out how you got the higher number!
Hey u/hitchhiker, I may have stumbled upon one possible explanation. I updated my top post for greater visibility. Let me know your thoughts.