I live directly under the southern approach to Patrick AF Base, in Melbourne, FL. I have an interest in aviation and space exploration my entire life. A bit geeky, but I normally run outside when I hear planes approaching.
Yesterday, an odd occurrence happened. An American Airlines 767 or 757 landed at the base on a southeasterly approach. I have never seen that before. No big deal, I guess. Domestic airliners do get leased by the government for transport when conventional military transports are not available.
Just about ten minutes ago, an E4B 'Doomsday Plane' flew right over my house on approach to the base. Let me say, I got the chills.
That National Airborne Command Operations Center (NAOC) is a key component of the National Military Command System for the President, the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was created so that in the event of a national emergency or an unthinkable scenario such as a nuclear war it couldn’t be taken out by the enemy. The reason is that this center isn’t a place—it is a flying command post that could continue to operate even if ground command control centers were destroyed.
I never thought I would ever see this plane in flight and in person, and I've been watching the skies my entire life.
The E4B had a bit of intrigue, if not infamy on 9/11 when it was videoed by Anderson Cooper's crew ( of all people ) flying directly over DC, just minutes after the Pentagon was hit.
I also would like a link please!