56 Santa with a hammer (operationq.pub) posted 4 years ago by magavoices 4 years ago by magavoices +56 / -0 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Pick one, December 25 or Orthodox Christmas Jan 7th
That Santa doesn't look too Orthodox. Just sayin'.
I'll take sooner rather than later.
Q2598 - photo of Santa with a hammer, signed QA
Foreshadowing something to happen Christmas day?
Merry Christmas!
I think it was actually signed QiAi, but yes, its hopefully time for Santa to Drop the Hammer hard.
Just "Spit Balling"
Santa = Saturn (Saturnalia)
Hammer = Thor's Hammer (Thor god of thunder = Jupiter/Zeus)
Saturn(father) and Jupiter(son) - (12.21.20 conjunction)
Saturn was the king of heaven and earth but was overthrown
by Jupiter during the Titanomachy.
Is/has Saturn overthrown Jupiter and taken his hammer?
hmmm a ginger bread house?