240 My last 3 posts on Voat v/QRV /// R.I.P. to what was the BEST site on the entire internet for one key reason >> ZERO CENSORSHIP posted 4 years ago by Oh_Well_ian 4 years ago by Oh_Well_ian +241 / -1 I'd love to see every Communist piece of shit attempting to destroy this country, hunted down, deported, imprisoned or neutralized. Communism and in fact, Sharia Law, are INCOMPATIBLE with Freedom Why is POTUS on board with the Covid Psyop? Answer: He's Not. Too many normies are deeply brainwashed by the psyop. He's got to accept it but attempt to steer the narrative. There are millions of pseudointellectual douche bags in this country, parroting the narratives of the MSM and Social Media. REALITY of Mass Arrests and takedown of MSM will leave them.... 76 comments share 76 comments share save hide report block hide replies
:~) No worries. Just took me awhile to figure out your meaning!