To me it's like Alex Jones. A bunch of good stuff - extremely plausible based on my research - and some obvious bullshit - mostly relating to impending doom/war.
And the English language, page layout and red links send my head spinning!
I wrote to him about it and he actually replied something like "I'll put it to the sisters". Yeah, yeah. It still looks like a tomato pizza.
Yeah ... So far, Sorcha Faal has a track record of 0 confirmation, but as usual, is floating "his" unrestricted access to the halls of the Kremlin.
"He" is sort of bullshitish .... You are getting tribaled here.
To me it's like Alex Jones. A bunch of good stuff - extremely plausible based on my research - and some obvious bullshit - mostly relating to impending doom/war.
And the English language, page layout and red links send my head spinning! I wrote to him about it and he actually replied something like "I'll put it to the sisters". Yeah, yeah. It still looks like a tomato pizza.