If you read the Baron Trump novels by Ingersoll Lockwood, Trump may be the LAST President. Many signs that we are on the brink of a paradigm shift on the planet. Just learned that Trumps EO contains a directive to release all records and accounts of ET existence 180 days after the election.
And if our govt is decimated by this exposure of fraud and corruption, perhaps we "build back better" in a very different (but NON-Soros) way?
In one of the way too many articles and vids I read/saw today, someone said that next year we would look back on 2020 as the year BEFORE things got really crazy.
This is my dream as well. I see Trump introducing him on stage during a global televised event, possibly as his new VP
If you read the Baron Trump novels by Ingersoll Lockwood, Trump may be the LAST President. Many signs that we are on the brink of a paradigm shift on the planet. Just learned that Trumps EO contains a directive to release all records and accounts of ET existence 180 days after the election.
And if our govt is decimated by this exposure of fraud and corruption, perhaps we "build back better" in a very different (but NON-Soros) way?
It seems the possibilities are endless - all good !
In one of the way too many articles and vids I read/saw today, someone said that next year we would look back on 2020 as the year BEFORE things got really crazy.
Gonna need a nap first.