Perhaps what we saw was a conventional explosive in the RV triggered by a DEW.
The light pole video shows a sweeping beam towards the explosion.
The street surveillance camera shows an explosion across the street from the RV. Perhaps this blew something up from its initial beam and then swept to the bus and ended at the servers.
The RV was a cover for a DEW attack on the AT&T location?
Nope. DEWs are designed to burn swaths of land and/or wreck electronics. NOT A DEW. Why in the hell would you employ a weapon like that to ignite an RV parked on an empty street, in between several tall buildings, at Christmas. All you need is burner phone, a 9V battery and some steel wool. Ring-ring----BOOM!
Correct. There is a hole in the building 2 stories up where the bomb/missile entered the building. Most likely a thermobaric payload on a penetrative warhead. The basement levels were destroyed in the blast but the walls survived. DEW can ignite things but cannot transfer much energy. Even a lighting bolt which transfers enormous energy does minimal damage to structures. Energy transfer is density dependent. How much do photons weigh, how much does depleted uranium weigh. Same principle.