I think another good piece of ammunition to have is evidence of Creation and evidence against evolution, in order to back up the story of the Mysteries of Babylon beginning in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of Creation.
If you don’t have this ammunition, watch Kent Hovind’s creation seminar series (extremely exhaustive) and follow these other resources:
No one will debate Kent Hovind because no one can refute him. I’ve been using his arguments as well and have yet to find a single refutation, and I have successfully argued against people who claim to be scientific intellectuals and believe evolution is based upon science, showing them without any refutation that evolution is a more religious belief than creationism.
Anyone may feel free to try and argue your case if you believe differently and cite your sources.
I think another good piece of ammunition to have is evidence of Creation and evidence against evolution, in order to back up the story of the Mysteries of Babylon beginning in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of Creation.
If you don’t have this ammunition, watch Kent Hovind’s creation seminar series (extremely exhaustive) and follow these other resources:
6000years.org answersingenesis.org alwaysbeready.com icr.org
No one will debate Kent Hovind because no one can refute him. I’ve been using his arguments as well and have yet to find a single refutation, and I have successfully argued against people who claim to be scientific intellectuals and believe evolution is based upon science, showing them without any refutation that evolution is a more religious belief than creationism.
Anyone may feel free to try and argue your case if you believe differently and cite your sources.
Kent Hovind gave me my first real dose of legit scientific evidence for creation. His videos are great.
I also recommend Creation Ministries International for some good online articles: