From investigator Leo we learn this: Two pillars of Satanism are 1) "Do as thy wilt." This was the motto of Occult master Alistair Crowley and Church of Satan founder and ritualist Anton LaVey. Often disguised as Humanism, the credo shuns codes of ethics, and, mostly, Christianity, in favor of individual choice. 2) "Might makes Right." This pervasive contemporary ideology views sheer power as the determining factor in achieving success. It is rooted in the idea of power over others.
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My idiot neighbor was a Bernie supporter and calls himself a Humanist.
True Humanists sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others. Fake ones are supremacists who believe they know whats best for humanity.
All the while denying and ridiculing the spiritual components of life.
The guy is more of the later type. He is a selfish buffoon. Whenever he needs any yard tools he comes over to borrow them. He can't be bothered to buy his own a shovel or a rake. I guess they wouldn't look good in the garage with his red Tesla. I could go on, but you get the picture.
Exactly, while they put 100+ million against the wall for the crime of criticizing the regime or just because they happen to own something the chairman wants.
"Often disguised as Humanism"
Uh Oh Dr Fauci got some splainin to do
Any of y’all read that Barbara Bush may have been fathered by Crowley. Very interesting.
I've heard that and wondered about it, too. One World Order means all the individual nations and cultures ruled by one central body. State, local, and national governments under one administration. All religions under one. also.
Pride and violence. That's them.
The solution is elevating awareness of oneself, not tearing others down, not revenge, not judge others. It's beyond the left/right false dichotomy. It's serving self (which is actually an illusion like everything else in the physical world) only vs. serving the great whole. Listen to a leftist's words:
Thank you for that.
You are talking about the whole current world, especially the industralized West, especially the US. Individualism is the pillar of western civilization. Collectivism is viewed as anathema.
Paradoxically, Marxism, thought to be closely related to Satanism, pretends to be for the common man, actually suppresses citizens beyond recognition.
Satan is very good at twisting, perversion and deception, isn't he? LOL!
Might makes right? Let's show them.
Google has page after page answering this exact question. When time permits. What do you think and why is it important? Wiccan, Witchcraft, and New Age, are also parts of the question. Our concern would be, how do these ideas and practices affect governments, that is, our daily lives? Right?