It all makes sense now.
Remember we were told that the first arrest would be mind blowing and happens 17 days before the inauguration? Everyone assumed it would be Biden.
Along with that, Simon Parkes has mentioned multiple times that its not the election EO that will be used but the EO from 2017. That one has to do with Child trafficking and human rights violation.
Lin Wood has been hinting both - Mike Pence being complicit with child trafficking.
17 days prior to inauguration is today.
CLAS movement? As in secret arrest of Pence? Why did Pence return early from the vacation (along with Potus). Why did Monkey Werx report that Pence's flight was not flying as AF2?
Also we got it the RED LINEs wrong. RED 1 is the last and we are at RED 3.
Dan Scavino already tweeted Red 4 and Red 5 few days ago
RED 6 probably happened with Chris Miller took over.
And how GENIUS is it going to be?
First arrest of PENCE. After Pence indicated he will support the Electoral challenge.
No politics. No favoritism.
For pedo stuff. No one will be able to find fault with this.
And after the details emerge, election is going to be the least of the concerns. Mike Pompeo will assume Pence's role and no one will have a voice to disagree when he counts for Trump.
Wouldn't surprise me at all