I'm crying uncontrollable right now, with what Lin Wood just dropped.
It's like the years of stuffing the emotions down and substituting anger and retribution have gone and I again feel for the poor, poor children.
God Bless them and God Bless our President and the Q team.
and God Bless all of you.
If anyone doubts the pervasiveness of this evil, just look at how much society has changed the n the last 60 years. At 4 years old in the early 1960s, my mother felt perfectly comfortable letting me run outside and play in our suburban neighborhood. She wasn’t atypical. My little friends and I walked over several blocks and visited kindly older people who gave us ice cream and talked to us. We trick or treated for hours unaccompanied by any adults. Then it started changing in the 1980s, with missing kids on milk cartons. Parents started driving their kids everywhere and planning out ever minute of their lives. No more freedom to just go outside and play, explore, take risks. Now, mothers won’t even let their little boys go to the bathroom in public restrooms anymore. Perfect preparation for the “just wear the mask” fear culture. Blame all of that on these evil child abusers too!