I think we are starting to see that the movie posters in Q's drop correspond to these dates in early January. Today is Guardians of the Pedophiles. Tomorrow is Panic in DC, and Wednesday is FISAGATE. Wednesday is also the President's presentation of election fraud evidence.
Meanwhile, we have been warned of a communication blackout and the use of the emergency broadcast system, but I think there is a good possibility that most of us have misunderstood what is meant by the blackout.
First, imagine the President's teams trying to get the word out about all of the arrests, confessions, election fraud, acts of cyber warfare, etc... while the MSM was constantly blasting contradictory propaganda and big tech was censoring all the real information. This is basically the situation we have right now, and would not work very well at all.
Now imagine that the MSM and big tech sites are the ones that will be blacked out by the President's teams in order to shut down their propaganda, and force all the normies to listen to the complete and undiluted truth from other sources. I believe the 2018 EO gives the President the power to do this by freezing all of the assets of the MSM and big tech.
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.
Guardians of the Pedos seems in line with Lins tweet storm all morning.
He recently tweeted about FISA and Justice Roberts. FISAGATE...
Wednesday is going to be WILD!
As someone else said, WINSday.
I like it!