Miles Guo: A very influential white American is a CCP trained agent who has misled Sidney Powell and Lin Wood. Miles drops some clues, can we figure it out?
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Now that would make sense. He seems like the type. The was he was bragging about knowing about Project Snowglobe and being part of all that.
I agree 100%. The guy could not wait to go around telling everyone what went on at the wh meeting a couple weeks ago. Now maybe he was instructed to go on the interview circuit and make it seem like the oval office was a shitshow but I doubt it.
Yeah, that came off as super suspect. Maybe that's to demoralize people to think that everyone around POTUS has given up, so we should too. You can't tell me a plan is not going down right now!
"Appear weak, when you are strong." I think it is part of the show.
Yeah, it sounds like Byrne too given his educational background and father worked for Berkshire. Why the secrecy though? If he knows who it is as he alleges and has the evidence just produce it.
He's trying to build up tension for Lude Media, his news program. I enjoy seeing Miles' Chinese perspective. He's 100% positive Trump will have a second term. His angle is to be riding what comes after the CCP with his New Federal State of China movement. He and Steve Bannon have worked together on it.
No lin and Sydney are both playing their parts. This is soft disclosure Even if its saying hes nuts people spread the truth and not know it. It's a movie. Everyone is playing a part. We are just viewers.
No, I don't think so. Byrne seems to be putting out that Trump is isolated and alone. That might be coming from Byrne. This creepy pedo stuff anons have been tracking for years. On the Thrivetime podcast, Lin mentioned he had three reliable sources on Epstein being alive, combined with flight and bank data. Point being, he has multiple sources.
His sources aren't always reliable, as recent tweets about Timothy Charles Holmseth show.
At least he admits it when he finds out.
He was also connected to that woman from Russia.
Clues given:
Studied decades in China
Friend of Warren Buffet
Frequent visitor to White House
Friend of current and former president of Russia
Chinese bitcoin manipulator?
I'm spitballing
I think you're onto something there. In one of his videos, Miles said 70% of bitcoin was laundery CCP money around.
Why does everyone trust Miles?
Because he's a member of Maralago. He's a Chinese billionaire working against the CCP with his Whistleblower Movement. He and Mr. Lude broke the Hunter Laptop way back in September. He didn't come out of nowhere because he's been on this for over a year or more, Only been in country about 3 or 4. Working with Steve Bannon to establish New Federal State of China. Makes me wonder if Trump has taking down the CCP in his sights. Miles definitely has intelligence that is unique.
Byrne is the son of John J. Byrne, an insurance magnate whom Warren Buffett, a family friend, once called "the Babe Ruth of insurance.
Just looked that up myself! You win!!
Not a fan, huh? Nice how he comes out of nowhere to inject himself into the controversy. We need to watch this one.
That was weird. Felt like he was lying.
Yeah that seemed super random. I didn't get real trusting vibes from him. I can see him being a ringer if I look at him as a disinfo agent.
They all came out of nowhere.
Miles included.
Actually Miles has been for at least a year doing regular social media, often with Steve Bannon. He's only been in the USA for about 3 years. Patrick just gets on these interviews and says look at me!
How long he's been around is beside the point.
I'm just considering this from every angle.
The CCP have infiltrated heavily in every way possible. First they gain your trust, then they feed you poison.
I've learned more about the inner working of the CCP by hearing Miles tell his stories than I ever got from American alternative media.
Ru oh !
Lots of stuff to dig there!
“I think I have it beat but only time will tell,” he said, noting that he contracted the infection in 1984 in China “when a barefoot doctor sewed up a head wound under less-than-ideal conditions.”
Only read page 1 and 2 Page 1 shows a fairly tight relationship with Warren Buffett
Could Guo be talking about Buffett?
Ru oh!
Chy na students?
Buffet is rockstar status in Chy nah !
How do we know that Miles is trustworthy?
He gave us Hunter Biden to buy our trust.
Now people seem to believe every word he says.
But why is he now holding back on what he claims to know?
I trust him a lot less than Patrick Byrne, who everyone is guessing is the person he's talking about.
He's not holding out because he made it obvious. No one is believing ever word he says. Geez. I don't trust anyone, but I am trying to figure out who's in with who. His main audience is Chinese people. He doesn't give two shits what we Americans think because he's more focused on being the big cheese if the CCP doesn't make through a second Trump term.
What did he make obvious? He led you and some others to believe he's talking about Byrne, but without saying it right out and with no hard evidence, like he did with Hunter. Why not just prove it, or why say it at all if he can't/won't?
I didn't say everyone is believing every word he says. I said people. Don't misread things, because that's one of the ways you can easily get misled.
Even if his main audience is Chinese, as you say his goal is to be the big cheese and he relies on Trump to put him there. So he will likely play the game that the Chinese are known to play -- propaganda and manipulation of people's beliefs.
I'm not saying he is doing that. I'm just thinking about every possible angle.
No evidence with Hunter? Really? I saw more of that guy's dick than I ever wanted to. As to Byrne, I hinted a bit of the Asian saving face going on. Not sure what your burden of proof is. We don't have transparency and anyone who whistleblows can watch their family get 86ed. In this environment, proof is hard to come by.
When was the last time he gave any new info on Hunter?
Doubtful it's Byrne. They've been working together. Wood immediately called out everyone in Trump's inncer circle and in the Admin. All the traitors. Byrne was not one of them.