We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion. Avarice, Ambition, Revenge or Galantry, would break the strongest Cords of our Constitution as a Whale goes through a Net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other
This entire mess with the deep state, NWO, freemasons etc. would have been completely impossible with a moral people who understood that sexual relations was between a husband and wife, that pornography was evil and dehumanizing, that pederasty was evil and immoral, that abortion was an abomination. If the people were moral, then we would not have politicians that were so easily blackmailable. If the people were moral, stealing an election would have been unthinkable to the election organizers and state governments much less raping children, treason, or selling our countries secrets.
We got the leaders that we deserved and over the last 70 years we have seen the United States (and the world) being delivered into the hands of satan. The Constitution presumes the virtue of its citizens and was never designed to withstand the powerlust of Hillary Clinton, the lechery of Bill Clinton, the rapacity of Pelosi, the deception of Obama, the murderousness of the Bush's, nor the wanton destruction of BLM/ANTIFA.
Birth control used to be illegal until Griswold v. Connecticut. Contraception enables sexual misbehavior, the porn business, and gives people a false sense of security. It makes people treat sex as a hobby or recreation instead of a sacred act between a couple creating a new human being who will be destined for eternal life.
There were laws against fornication & recreational sex because collectively humanity knew the enormous devastation unleashed in terms of divorce, broken families, broken children, disease, crime, etc. Virginia's anti-fornication laws were struck down in Martin v. Ziherl merely 15 years ago.
Abortion used to be illegal until Roe v. Wade and now it's just backup contraception as well as a blood sacrifice to moloch.
Sodomy used to be illegal until Lawrence v. Texas and gay marriage was not recognized until Obergefell v. Hodges. Entire cities were firebombed for this and we publicly celebrate it.
My understanding is that porn can actually be outlawed under existing indecency laws but they're simply just not enforced.
Now they're trying to normalize pedophilia and transgenderism.
As God disappears from our nation, so too will our understanding of morality disappear. As the people disobey God's moral law, then they will also disobey mans law and the rule of law, i.e. Republic, will not be able to hold the people together and keep them from tearing each other apart. We will end up begging for a tyrant to keep the peace. The Roman people gladly accepted Augustus as their Emperor because they were completely exhausted from decades of war, famine, and strife. And to a large degree the war and strife was due to the immorality of the people and the greed and pride of the ruling class. The Romans lost their Republic because they simply were not virtuous enough to be worthy of it. If the American people fail to follow the moral law, and fail to give God right praise, then we will likewise not be worthy of the Constitution and the rule of law, and God will hand us over to tyrants, i.e. CCP, NWO. If we are incapable of ruling ourselves (isn't Republic self-rule by definition?), then we will inevitably be ruled by others (Tyranny).
Israel lost their entire nation to the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, and the Romans for their immorality and sinfulness. The exact same thing can happen to us.
They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood. Thus they became unclean by their acts, and prostituted themselves in their doings. Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against his people, and he abhorred his heritage; he gave them into the hand of the nations, so that those who hated them ruled over them. Their enemies oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their power. - Psalm 106
If America does not return back to God and obedience to the divine law, then 20 years later we will be faced with deep state v2.0 having infiltrated the NSA and Space Force, giant meteor, or whatever insanity that awaits those who flaunt God's warnings.
Don't overlook the Vatican, the City of London, and the Federal Reserve Bank. In the end, though, Marxism is a strategy that hinges on an envious, covetous, and dishonest population. That means us. That is also why the first target of the Marxists is religion, any religion. Christianity is a prime example on account of its emphasis on morality. Am I right?
This is spot on. There is a reason why envy & avarice are amongst the seven deadly sins. Without an envious population you would not have socialism. Without a greedy population you would not have corrupt crapitalism.
If people were moral and virtuous, then almost all social & crimes ills would simply melt away. Virtuous people do not even want to commit crimes. God must come first. Without God, you will not have a moral people.
I love that so many now see this stuff as real. I used to be called all kinds of stuff for talking about it.
Yeah, they were always talking about "someone else/"
If My people who are called by My name shall themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land. 2 Chron. 7:14
This is great Truth brother! We as a nation need to be on our knees
That's the doctrine of original sin for ya.
This without question is the most accurate explanation of why we're here today. I've heard it said that a republic is like a diesel engine on that it takes a certain type of fuel. Gasoline in a diesel engine won't work. So too will our republic cease to function properly without Christian morality as the fuel.
This is a phenomenal post - great job & Thanks, OP!!
The quote in your title; "Moral & Religious people" has long been one of my all-time favorite quotes.
Agree with everything you posted.
Thanks, keep up the fight, God Bless.
Freedom is only attainable for the righteous man. The evil man is already in bonds by virtue of his evil. So the constitution only works for virtuous men.
Why the hate on between consenting adults? If you don't bust a nut every few weeks, you will do it involuntarily in your sleep. I consider myself religious, but I don't know why we are raised to be shamed over a naturally occurring biological function. Telling people that sex is the immoral is like saying pooping is. It just doesn't make sense. You can have rules on sex, like it must be consenting adults. Just like rules on pooping, like you can't do it in the street. But they are both natural, unavoidable functions.
I like you post otherwise, though.
Thank you.
Ask yourself this, would Abraham Lincoln voluntarily gone to Epstein's island? Would George Washington have given himself over to sleeping around like Bill Clinton? Would Andrew Jackson have been subject to sexual blackmail like Hussein? The answer is NO. These are men of great virtue and would never have allowed themselves to be subjugated by their vices. Raping children & pedoblackmail did not happen overnight. It was a gradual progression whereby the culture was morphed to the point such that these things became much easier to pull off.
Overly-sexualized culture produces men more prone to vice and sin & makes light of such vice and sin. Bill Clinton raped children on Epstein's island because he was already fornicating because everyone else was fornicating because the culture said it was OK to fornicate. What difference did it make if it was a minor? Without Hugh Hefner or the sexual revolution of the 60's, Clinton's behavior would have been unthinkable. He would not have been able to get away with what he did in the 1990's if it had occurred in the 1890's.
Contraception divorced sex from procreation and made it about recreation and fun. It enables fornication and sleeping around. It made pornography & masturbation even more acceptable as "entertainment." It sickens the culture and produces millions of men & women who are hopped up on porn and easy sex. Ofc most of them will not turn out like Bill Clinton or Jeff Epstein but the soil of a sick & sexualized culture will inevitable produce and enable a Clinton or Epstein.
As a loose analogy, not everyone who attends Harvard business school will be a successful businessman, but the culture and learning of Harvard are the soil and essential to the production of at least one successful businessman.
Also, the Bible says so man:
Enforcing your will upon others is not the path of light. If you seek salvation you are selfish. The wise teach, they don't bind people in chains.
forcing people to not be corrupt? not to take bribes? not to go to epstein's island? LOLOLOLOL. that's to bind people in chains?