There is just no other way.
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Fuck you, man. Trusting the "plan" has accomplished what, exactly? Aside from you feeling more comfortable with doing nothing, I mean.
Look how many traitors have been exposed. Fuck off with your doomer attitude. We're fucking winning!
Dude, i'd like to agree, but they have literally stolen this countries election, closed tons of small businesses, make us all wear masks, we can't even see our dying loved ones, and now talk of forced vaccinations and camps.
What in this is a win to you?
The exposure of the Deep State and the traitors. Now when Trump takes them down, the country will understand why. There have been some personal losses but Trump has done what he could to keep the public safe. We're up against Satanic criminals. Can you imagine if an armed confrontation had taken place large scale? Patriots who sacrificed their livelihoods will be made whole after the storm has passed. RIP to our lost Patriots. This is almost over.
I hope you're right for all our sakes.
Deep state has been exposed countless times. Now what? When is Trump going to take them down? If nothing happens at the end of month and Biden and Dems control everything, what then? Should we be proud they were exposed?