Only one thing will trigger Mass Arrests >> VP Mike Pence stabbing POTUS and Patriots in the back by putting his signature on the biggest election fraud in history // A Government full of Traitors will never prosecute its own TREASON in Trumps Second Term and 4 more years of BULLSHIT is their Plan
posted 22 hours ago by Oh_Well_ian +97 / -0
It's going to be WILD
The Military is the only way.
Top Comment ( this pede nails it ):
This sounds accurate.If Pence rejects the electors and it leads to POTUS winning the election on a Constitutional technicality that most people do not understand, the MSM and every traitor in government will launch an all out assault in the second term which would likely lead to another Impeachment. ie. Deep State will target POTUS again, rather than him draining the swamp, with very few allies to assist. However, if Pence knowingly authorizes the fraudulent election, the Military will step in and arrest every traitor associated with the Big Steal. Additionally, Pence could still be a White Hat even if he authorizes, double crossing the Cabal that placed him at VP. Ironically, he would betray the Cabal by authorizing and triggering mass arrests.
Battle fatigue is real. But you have to remember that you're a soldier, like Flynn said. The timing for expressing the doubt you naturally feel is not while you're in the middle of a battle, in the trenches. Express the doubt you FELT after the battle is over and won. Courage is needed during the battle, and so good soldiers foster that in other soldiers.
Now, this I'll remember, thank you.