So something has been bugging me.
I bought the whole "we have to let them commit the crime before we can arrest them, so lets them certify the electors in each state first". But it doesn't make sense that they have to do the same for the congress and senate by letting them declare Biden the President elect yesterday.
Think about it. White Hats have everything. They can put all these people for many lifetimes of prison just from all the info they would have collected during the election fraud planning process.
Also, I can understand Pence committing treason yesterday, but making the case that every legislator who was present in the room and did not object committed a coup is a stretch.
Finally, lets say they all committed the coup officially. Why not arrest them right after the declaration? Would have been an incredible show, especially with 2 million patriots in DC to witness it in person.
So Q1 - why exactly did they have to wait this long and why they haven't arrested anyone yet.
and Q2 - Why did they not arrest everyone right after the session.
Third question is even more simple. Why did they have to "kill" the girl today? It served no purpose. Just the act of storming the capital gave the excuse for the republicans to withdraw their objections. And also the excuse for white hats to escort them all to protective custody why the white hats could collect the evidences on their open laptops (assuming that was a goal).
Q3 - Why did they have to kill the girl ?
Now I invite you to switch the point of view. Discard being a citizen terrified of losing their country. Become the person who is trying to bring down the whole deep state.
You have everything. You know all their secrets, you have all their crimes, you have sealed indictments, AND you have exposed the Judicial, Media, SCOTUS, Legislature and every other organisation to be corrupt in front of the entire country.
What is missing? What is your most important goal?
My biggest problem would be to arrest every single one of these m'fucking rich assholes. They have their own security details. They live in different countries, perhaps some on submarines. And I can only arrest them all in one go. If I start arresting one, the rest will hit the mattresses, so to speak. Go deep underground. And co-ordinating arrests across so many countries would be nearly impossible.
I need everyone of them to assemble in one place.
Thats right. The real problem is very simple. I need EVERYONE of he deep state in one place.
What is that place? When they think they stole back the country after the most exhausting 4 years, where do you think they would be on the day of the supposed inauguration of their pawn? Where do you think they would be on Jan 20th?
They would all be in DC, doing their symbolisms and rubbing it in front of the patriots whom they despise intensely, and Trump and his family, whom they loathe more than anything and they will be ready to gloat once they arrest him and his family very publicly, to send a message to the future that NO ONE dare try what he did.
It will be at that point, just before inauguration, ladies and gentlemen, that Trump can arrest everyone. If we get lucky, they might start pouring in early, then we will have an early feast. Otherwise it will be Jan 19-20th.
Remember, as far as Trump is concerned, arresting them a minute after the session ended, or arresting them on 19th is absolutely no different, as long as Trump can be sure they wont invoke 25th or impeach him. Hence, we can assume Pence is trusted.
And why did they have to kill the girl? It made no sense. She was shot with a live bullet. Yet they didn't even brandish a gun at the rest of the antifa thugs. If they wanted to really rile up the patriots into a civil war, it requires a lot more than one or two murders, as the antifa/blm rioting has proved so far.
They had to stage the killing, purely to sell this fully to the deep state. They might suspect the whole thing is a trap. They know Trump has aces up his sleeves and everything that happened yesterday could have been double-staged.
But. White Hats would never kill a patriot unless it was real. And that is why, Trump is selling his defeat so hard. Brace yourself for even more show defeat. Brace yourself to be made fun of by your liberal acquaintenaces and strangers in the streets. Keep a low profile for 2 more weeks and we will be home free.
How do you capture a very DANGEROUS ANIMAL?
Make it completely trust that you are harmless and let it come to you to finish you.
Someone pointed out. Q never said "10 days of darkness".
They were two separate lines:
Ten days.
But surely we will see a lot of darkness.
7th to 17th = 10 days