I honestly dont know what to think of Lin. I guess I find it odd why he of all people would have this info but then I remember he is close to Powell who is close to Flynn. Just still odd though
IMHO Lin's purpose is to wake the religious right of the party. His narrative and CodeMonkeyZ line up. CodemonkeyZ posts tracking of the doomsday plane. Lin posts this. Johnheretohelp not sure about his role. What I understand is that he helped take down lizard squad members who possessed what Seth Rich and Issac Kappy were killed over. Yet the prize was not captured. The Kraken is the prize, evidence proving some dark stuff. Like the contents found on Wiener's laptop. Where are all the missing children?
The parallels between the Q drop, lins post and that tweet are worth analyzing. Would like your thoughts. TDW always hates on Q and says it's a larp so I was wondering what this crowd thought.
There’s nothing in Lins rhetoric to suggest he has any connection to the Q team...and if you look where he was in the previous years since October 2017... he really only comes across as a Q follower or at best an Anon....
I trust Q, President Trump, and also Lin Wood, so I believe what he's telling us here. I also hope that MP is part of the plan, and playing a villain, but I know there are many who claim he's DS. I just haven't seen anything that convinces me yet. Also saw him at a rally last year, and he did a great job supporting President Trump, so guess I'll just have to wait and see...
This is pretty telling. I suppose it could be psyop - but anyone that big tech and MSM hate, I LOVE. I know what Q said about Alex Jones but I still think he’s helped red pill people.
yup, still hasn't conceded
I'm finding myself here more than TD. Need my Hopium hit before I head back into the trenches.
I hear you, fellow AZ pede
I honestly dont know what to think of Lin. I guess I find it odd why he of all people would have this info but then I remember he is close to Powell who is close to Flynn. Just still odd though
He was right about Pence soo
I find it hard to believe that Trump's actual location would be revealed. I wonder if this is intentional disinfo
could be. Time will tell
IMHO Lin's purpose is to wake the religious right of the party. His narrative and CodeMonkeyZ line up. CodemonkeyZ posts tracking of the doomsday plane. Lin posts this. Johnheretohelp not sure about his role. What I understand is that he helped take down lizard squad members who possessed what Seth Rich and Issac Kappy were killed over. Yet the prize was not captured. The Kraken is the prize, evidence proving some dark stuff. Like the contents found on Wiener's laptop. Where are all the missing children?
take a listen to johnheretohelp's interview with redpill78 on bitchute regarding schiff and the chateau marmont and standard hotel
I was unable to track it down on bitchute. Found a link to the original on youtube, but it has been memory holed.
The parallels between the Q drop, lins post and that tweet are worth analyzing. Would like your thoughts. TDW always hates on Q and says it's a larp so I was wondering what this crowd thought.
There’s nothing in Lins rhetoric to suggest he has any connection to the Q team...and if you look where he was in the previous years since October 2017... he really only comes across as a Q follower or at best an Anon....
I trust Q, President Trump, and also Lin Wood, so I believe what he's telling us here. I also hope that MP is part of the plan, and playing a villain, but I know there are many who claim he's DS. I just haven't seen anything that convinces me yet. Also saw him at a rally last year, and he did a great job supporting President Trump, so guess I'll just have to wait and see...
i keep thinking the same thing. Watch Pence's speech at TPUSA just a couple weeks ago. How can this be the same guy that betrayed Trump.
so why would Twitter ban him if he was on their side?
AND disinfo is a huge part of this game, that's why Q wants US to discern.
also, look at the LIGHT Lin Wood is shining on satanic pedophilia,
doesn't bother me that he's a bit wacky.
This is pretty telling. I suppose it could be psyop - but anyone that big tech and MSM hate, I LOVE. I know what Q said about Alex Jones but I still think he’s helped red pill people.
I agree, I'm not a huge AJ fan, but I know he's helped to wake up a lot of people, I also thought he did a decent job talking with General Flynn.
Pence is a traitor.
he didnt give deadlines to drop shit, he gave deadlines for people to resign, they didnt, he predicted pence betraying trump