posted ago by UncontrollableQueef ago by UncontrollableQueef +20 / -0

I had a shower thought today and wanted to put it out there. As the title suggests, what if Trump wasn’t running for re-election?

Everyone has played a part in this story, why would he be any different? The mission from Q to us, as I understand it, is to get us looking into the global corruption that surrounds us and spread the message coherently to the masses. What if Trump was simply the figure head for us to rally to? Thinking back on the dozens of rallies I watched, I recall him mostly campaigning on his accomplishments (which is expected). But I can’t remember him saying what he’d do in his second term outside of his KAG slogan.

So this leads me to think Trumps role was to shine the light (dark to light) on the corruption for all to see. The king of the chessboard in this mission, with Q team being the chess masters. Also of all the drops I’ve read, so many are eerily accurate, but I don’t remember any saying the mission was to get Trump re-elected. What if instead Q and Q+ execute the plan, a new VP is selected if Pence is indeed dirty, and Trump hands the reigns over after several months of re-establishing and overseeing the installation of a new reformed government? Please someone correct me on this if necessary, but this was my little epiphany today. Could be massive hopium on my part, but I refuse to believe all these years of planning are down the drain while sitting on mountains of evidence.

So what’s happening now, today? I think other anons have this covered well. I believe we’re steadily running through RED 1-6. Trump is and will be insulated when this goes down possibly Camp David. Although Q says he’ll be “abroad” which I read as overseas. Misdirection?

Note: all of this notwithstanding some of my thoughts about this leading towards fulfilling Biblical prophesy, but that’s a whole other post in itself.