Holy fuck. What episode is that from? Busting in the capital was [[their]] plan all along, to set up the attempted 25th amendment removal of Trump and disrupt all of the evidence of election fraud that was going to be revealed in the chambers. Trump knew, so he delayed his Elipse speech by roughly an hour, to disrupt their timing, keeping his supporters away from it as best as possible. [[Their]] plan was to frame the Trump protestors, and have them there when it went down. Hold the line, we are at the precipice here, gang!
This could just be coincidence or purposeful on the part of the weirdo shaman dude because they are tattoos. He could just be a simpsons fan boy... Lots of people get pop culture related tattoos.
The guy in the Simpson's pic looks like someone added some details via photoshop after the fact.
Holy fuck. What episode is that from? Busting in the capital was [[their]] plan all along, to set up the attempted 25th amendment removal of Trump and disrupt all of the evidence of election fraud that was going to be revealed in the chambers. Trump knew, so he delayed his Elipse speech by roughly an hour, to disrupt their timing, keeping his supporters away from it as best as possible. [[Their]] plan was to frame the Trump protestors, and have them there when it went down. Hold the line, we are at the precipice here, gang!
"Lisa goes to Washington" Season 3 Episode 2, Sep 26, 1991.
Edit: I was wrong. I just watched this one and didn't see ethe viking character but I know it's a real episode.
Are you a bear?
I mean... Is this guy even 30? It’s possible he wasn’t even born yet or just a young child.
This could just be coincidence or purposeful on the part of the weirdo shaman dude because they are tattoos. He could just be a simpsons fan boy... Lots of people get pop culture related tattoos.
That looks shopped
wow, no shit, this is crazy
Even the brick pattern on his arms...
This. He's probably just a fan boy because in his social media profiles you can clearly see they are tattoos.
My first thought. It's no coincidence he dresses up in this bizarre manner for the events he's seen at.