Is this twatter account (started a few weeks ago) what I think it is?
More importantly, is it WHO I think it is?
Reminder: ECW's current job title is "Department of Defense, Chairperson of Public Interest Declassification Board"
Check out the tweets over the past 24 hours.
All I'm gonna say is, if he isn't Q, he's Q's best friend.
For the noobs:
Gen. Michael Flynn was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (the military's NSA/CIA rolled into one). Flynn was the #1 intelligence officer in the military. As Q said, he "knows where the bodies are buried." He knows ALL the deep state's darkest secrets. And THAT is why they wanted to get rid of him.
Ezra Cohen-Watnick was Flynn's protege at the DIA. When Trump won, he wanted Flynn to be his VP (or maybe that was a head fake). He ended up making Flynn his National Security Advisor. Flynn brought ECW into the White House with him as his assistant.
Although Flynn got the boot (possibly planned by Trump Team), ECW stayed on in the White House. ECW was the man who went to Devin Nunes in the House and told him about the Obama illegal unmasking of Trump's people. McMaster tried to fire ECW, but Trump would not let him.
Word on the street is ECW is the only man in the White House that could not be fired. Eventually, ECW left and went to work in the DOJ under AG Jeff Sessions. I have always wondered: What is a military intel guy doing in the justice department?
Speculation is that he was co-coordinating the military op that would take place to take down the traitors, along with the DOJ and other agencies. Someone with the highest-level security clearance would need to be in that role.
He stayed there until just after the 2020 election, when Trump moved him into the Department of Defense. He is an Acting Undersecretary, and he is also the Chairperson of the Public Interest DECLASSIFICATION Board.
Remember, Trump gave full declas authorization to AG Barr, while ECW was working in that department.
Based on what I am seeing on this Twitter feed, I think this is ECW taking over for Q (who might have been ECW, but we don't know, and probably never will).
So, I can't say this is Q, but it is worth checking out, for sure.
I would love this to be true. People's heads will explode. :D