Indeed it does. The most disturbing aspect of the events we are currently experiencing is that many people just do not care. I'm not referring to liberals and blue-haired harpies, but average individuals (on both sides) who would rather not know, nor be informed of, the horrific details that haunt the halls of politics. They have been drip-fed lies and smoke screens for so long, they have become anemic. It can be extremely frustrating when your family, friends, and coworkers simply laugh it off, or even attack you for your search and stalwart faith in truth and evidence. One way or another, lies will laid out for all to see, and truth will be the coveted attribute once again.
If anything it's made my life easier. People always think you owe them your time. This last year has made it clear. Frustrated that people are okay living in the dark, for this reason I am finding it hard to go to work with a bunch of normies. Let's talk about really stuff! I'm past the surface level bullshit.
Let's be real about this. I sometimes find it hard to describe to my wife how all these lines are intertwined. We are dealing with several interlaced ideas, some of which have an ancient historical basis that most modern people simply have no clue about and don't have time to research (Jesuits, Freemasons, old religions, 'others', 'watchers', etc). Regular people are stressed out, have had their lives blown up, who possibly see the election as a once-every-four-years distraction, just don't have the mental bandwidth for this added level of complexity.
Many of us are geeks for this stuff, and see it as super consequential and important. And we should treat it that way. It's our role. Others just can't deal with another brain-breaker.
I work in social media and marketing, my boss has started to listen to me, but it took 3 years of them making fun of me and me sitting silent watching things go down but couldn't speak up before outta fear that I would be leading people in the wrong direction. I have no social media on my personal phones. I only use a work phone for FB/IG and I leave it at the office.
Indeed it does. The most disturbing aspect of the events we are currently experiencing is that many people just do not care. I'm not referring to liberals and blue-haired harpies, but average individuals (on both sides) who would rather not know, nor be informed of, the horrific details that haunt the halls of politics. They have been drip-fed lies and smoke screens for so long, they have become anemic. It can be extremely frustrating when your family, friends, and coworkers simply laugh it off, or even attack you for your search and stalwart faith in truth and evidence. One way or another, lies will laid out for all to see, and truth will be the coveted attribute once again.
It makes you much more selective of your friends. I have very few for a reason.
If anything it's made my life easier. People always think you owe them your time. This last year has made it clear. Frustrated that people are okay living in the dark, for this reason I am finding it hard to go to work with a bunch of normies. Let's talk about really stuff! I'm past the surface level bullshit.
Let's be real about this. I sometimes find it hard to describe to my wife how all these lines are intertwined. We are dealing with several interlaced ideas, some of which have an ancient historical basis that most modern people simply have no clue about and don't have time to research (Jesuits, Freemasons, old religions, 'others', 'watchers', etc). Regular people are stressed out, have had their lives blown up, who possibly see the election as a once-every-four-years distraction, just don't have the mental bandwidth for this added level of complexity.
Many of us are geeks for this stuff, and see it as super consequential and important. And we should treat it that way. It's our role. Others just can't deal with another brain-breaker.
Many have IQs too low, bear in mind. That includes MAGAs as well.
Drew a nice quote on our break room with a tiny American flag.. days later my drawing of the flag gets erased. Tell me how that's controversial?
I understand people right now believe the flag is a joke but the flag represents standing up for freedom when others won't.
I work in social media and marketing, my boss has started to listen to me, but it took 3 years of them making fun of me and me sitting silent watching things go down but couldn't speak up before outta fear that I would be leading people in the wrong direction. I have no social media on my personal phones. I only use a work phone for FB/IG and I leave it at the office.
Strange world we live in.