I thought you can be interested. (Bad english ahead, sorry)
On this very moment, there's a turmoil in the italian govt. Since before Christmas, mr.Renzi (the ex PM, now supporting the actual administration with his small party) began to threaten mr. Conte (actual PM) to withdraw support and bring down the govt. Renzi asks for more power in the govt, but most of all he wants Conte to drop his personal assignment to National secret intelligence service. You must know that in Italy the control of secret service and intelligence is up to PM, but usually he delegates some top brass to the task. Conte didn't. He never did, and many criticized his choice, many asked why but he always refused to explain. It's his constitutional right after all. Most of us think it's because of the Spygate. Trump asked the italian PM to take care of that business. Italian secret services are actually at the orders of Conte and President Trump (as proved by those photos of Cia men at the airport). Renzi desperately wants to stop this.
The day after the assault at Capitol Hill, when Trump looked finished and Biden was proclaimed President, mr.Renzi attacked Conte more than ever asking him to drop his secret services control, accusing him (for the first time) to exchange dark secrets with Bill Barr. Many of us were amazed: Trump is done, Biden won, why on earth this man is so desperate to get that task out of Conte hands? Why Renzi doesn't feel safe now and is pushing so roughly?
I kept saying to not write Barr off. Trump kept saying Barr is a good man. If Trump sniffed a rat out he would have been gone a long time ago.
Barr is a white hat IMO.
This is confirmed by linn wood..
Then again - nobody who plays for each side. There is intelligence infiltrating and coming out left right and center.
There’s a possibility that the 17 th president of USA will be a Vice President inauguration... as it did historically.. that would mean pence might ascend.. as traitor? Or as double agent..
Nobody really knows what’s going on, tbh. If trump has agents working the left - we wouldn’t be privy to that... because they would see it too.
One thing I know is trump has won. It's over. This is the clean up and partial revealing of what went down.
When did Lin make up his mind about Barr?
I think Barr came in knowing he would carry the ball only so far, then hand it off at the right moment. Stand back and play his bagpipes while the DS burns to the ground. Walk away satisfied.
And with his reputation intact, as an added bonus. Hands clean, so to speak.
I have always believed he was. Trump has too much information, he putts the right people around one and keeps his enemies closer. I think Pence is bad but I believe what he did on the 6th was because he was told to. If he would have gone the way everyone wanted him to then they would not have completed the crime of stealing an election.