boooom! BOOM! Boooooooom!- More context
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This is a possibility but I feel like it's a death sentence for trump and his family in that case. He's clearly too dangerous. For his own sake and his family I'm pretty sure he's not trying for that outcome
Yes, that's another one of the MILLION reasons why I so firmly believe Q has to be real and this can NOT be how it all ends.
Trump flat out knows what is in store for him and his ENTIRE family IF he were to leave office without totally destroying them.
Just look at what's happened the past 2 days; all the social media bans, purges, people getting fired for supporting Trump, etc.
And that's not even 1/10th of one percent of what these evil, satanic communists have in store for us if they fully seize power.
Trump knows they will quite literally kill him and his family, or hound, harrass and persecute them til they wish they were.
This is deadly, DEADLY serious and I KNOW Trump understands.
It's why he MUST PREVAIL.
His own literal ass is on the line, literally.
Yes, that's another one of the MILLION reasons why I so firmly believe Q has to be real and this can NOT be how it all ends.
Trump flat out knows what is in store for him and his ENTIRE family IF he were to leave office without totally destroying them.
Just look at what's happened the past 2 days; all the social media bans, purges, people getting fired for supporting Trump, etc.
And that's not even 1/10th of one percent of what these evil, satanic communists have in store for us if they fully seize power.
Trump knows they will quite literally kill him and his family, or hound, harrass and persecute them til they wish they were.
This is deadly, DEADLY serious and I KNOW Trump understands.
It's why he MUST PREVAIL.
His own literal ass is on the line, literally.
Yes.. some say he could have cut a deal but these demons don't cut deals. They will make an example of him
That's what I believe is truly behind the "impeachment" bullshit;
They are trying to slander, humiliate, hurt, harm and destroy him.
You thought Trump moved fast?
IF.....IF these satanic pedophile demons got full control, they would un-do EVERYTHING Trump did, 3x as fast.
Hopefully he can wrap up a lot of this before "middle of next week"... Like tomorrow