“In the event that the Globo-Marxists were to re-occupy the White House, their number-one priority would be to ensure that no anti-Establishment rebel would ever rise again in America. The "de-Trumpification" of America would focus on the de-monetization and "cancellation" of any and all individuals that played a role in "The Great Awakening."”...
“If Trump surrenders -- the word "surrender" being defined not by vague or strategic "concession speeches" about a "smooth transition" --- but by him actually leaving on January 20th -- the reprisals aimed at him, his family and his supporters would be swift and severe. Fake History will forever record his name, and that of all patriots, in infamy. For that reason, and many others, he must not turn the country over to Pedo Joe and Commiela Whoress if he can help it.”
“Ultimately, it all boils down to this fundamental question: Will the same Military Intel forces / "Q" which enabled Trump's unexpected rise to the presidency in 2016 abandon him and the country at this, the 11th hour -- or will they, very soon, round up the criminal scum of America in one fell swoop?”
Taken from... 1/8/2021 realhistorychan.com
I agree hopefully the military is still loyal.