posted ago by Mixchi ago by Mixchi +18 / -0

I'm only 25, but it seems as I have experience this feeling many times in my life and this is one of them. I first experienced it on 2001, I was a child yes, didn't have no understanding of what was going on, but I could not described my emotions to my mother of uncomfortably anxiety the same week of the twin towers fall. After that afternoon something weird happened in my mind, but I cannot recall even if I want to.

Fast forward to 2008, Obama's victory I was 12. I never liked the guy, why? I don't know call it feminine instinct, but for some reason I couldn't tolerate him. Maybe he reminded me to the other politicians in my home country... liars.

2010 Earthquake in Haiti, I was 13 was to become 14. I felt the Earthquake all the way to the middle of Dominican Republic and that's when I started understanding myself and that weird feeling of time being stopped. The next day after the Earthquake I realized my feelings were produce by an state of awareness that my friends didn't have. That was my awakening and since I've been part of the truth community. I cannot help others around me to wake up as they are either to young or to simple minded and the refused to accept that there is evil in the world.

This is the same feeling I've been having since I went to DC this past 6th, everything was weird; the atmosphere, the people, the climate. I kept my group away from the storming crowds as I didn't want them in danger, but my guts today tells me that THIS IS NOT OVER.

And JESUS hear me and make that man pull a MIRACLE, because my faith in him is bigger that my hatred of those who ruined my birth country and are ruining my adoptive country.