This is just theory, but they are taking down all trump supports off of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit...eventually Parler, TDW, TGW...
Because everything is about to drop and it will reduce the number of normies who would get access to it.
I'm feeling it boys... Gird Your Loins!
honestly if i were the president after cleaning up all that shit, i'd set a public webcast putting together fb/tw/yt and relevant top level personalities handcuffed to chairs, streamed in real time on all their platforms, with a nice mandatory Q&A at which they couldn't escape, first i'd make the funny questions and shit their faces with a big smile at every answer hearing the pain from their voices ( already w the senate zuck started to freak out clearly and that was lovely ), then i'd leave to handle urgent matters and hand the Q&A to the people to go ahead as much as they want, offering also attorneys to help bother them better, feed them and give them water, once it's done well, we could send them maybe on a remote isle w no communication or social interaction for their rest of life