Twitter will not win!
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Can't wait to see the look on your face when you realize there are also Molech worshiping traitors who aren't Jewish Bolsheviks.
While you're downplaying involvement of everyone who isn't muh joo, I'll be ready to pull the lever when it comes time to execute Soros, Rothschild, Maxwell, Vanderbuilt etc. families.
Because unlike Nazitards, I'd bring justice to every participant of the cabal.
I know it kills you to say Bolsheviks instead of Jews, but you're tippy-toeing it so you don't get banned.
Mmm hmm, yeah I bet the whole Muslim Brotherhood are all really "Bolsheviks", am I right?
From years of experience on Voat, I know the Nazitards hate Trump and hate Q and hate anons who follow them. I could get you to disavow Trump within a few posts just by asking simple questions, but I'm going to pass on that.
Because Voat is dead and I'm rather enjoying being able to participate in the Q community without hostile Nazitards in my face every-other post and thread.