17 Traitor Lindsey Cares How Twitter Treats POTUS posted 4 years ago by lovecymru 4 years ago by lovecymru +17 / -0 Coward Lindsey trying to backtrack? Treatment at the airport by Patriots open your eyes? Too late, buddy. https://wearethene.ws/notable/185562 26 comments share 26 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I am not physically strong enough to carry a bag of dicks the size Lindsey can eat.
+1 my friend. +1...
Get bent, you fn traitor. Lie in your Procrustean bed.
Word of the day, thanks anon!
no matter where he goes from this point he is a traitor.
LG's past crimes of high treason and leaking state secrets were going to be his demise anyway.
It sure seems like he wilted under pressure. Not that we expected anything less.
‘Twitter may ban me for this’, says the man who knows full well Twitter will, in fact, never ban one of their own.
Traitor Lindsay could kiss President Trump’s shoes. He’s still a traitor and will see what happens to transitory. Hope he enjoys GITMO!
Back peddling are we Lindsey?
Too little too late you spineless POS!!!
Your days are numbered.
Lindsey is ASSHO
Traitors must pay with life.
He is scared because he got cussed at the airport, and came on Hannity to convince us that he is still on Trump’s side. He is a phony.
well.... poor Lindsay IS trying to save his ass....
what else can I say
for his boyfriend?
This man has had every opportunity to do the right thing... and he'd rather do segments on the news... smiling and making promises he never intended to keep. Kinda like my ex wife now that I think on it.
who knows lol
McConnel vowed to never speak with Trump again...
oh noo no no nonononon it is comin
Yeah I just saw that thread, and I'm in KY. We need another Senator... one who's not in bed (literally) with China.
Heh, yeah, I bet.
oh they know ! ... their laptops are in the hands of the white hats