The tick tock mostly came from outside people like Powell, Rudy, and Lin Wood. Q never said to trust Supreme Court or to rely on Jan 6. Yet the anti-Q shills keep saying we're the ones "moving the goalposts". We need to stop with the goalpost talks because there was never one to begin with. The only real truth is that "the only way is military".
In reality, they're just as curious as we are, only with different motive. Theirs is abject desperate panic and horror, ours is "it's about freaking time to get on with it".
The tick tock mostly came from outside people like Powell, Rudy, and Lin Wood. Q never said to trust Supreme Court or to rely on Jan 6. Yet the anti-Q shills keep saying we're the ones "moving the goalposts". We need to stop with the goalpost talks because there was never one to begin with. The only real truth is that "the only way is military".
In reality, they're just as curious as we are, only with different motive. Theirs is abject desperate panic and horror, ours is "it's about freaking time to get on with it".