posted ago by valley-lily ago by valley-lily +49 / -1

I've had vivid and prophetic dreams for a long time, ever since I was a kid, but I used to chalk it up to having a wild imagination and being very creative (I'm an artist, and those of us like that usually have much more "real" dreams than most).

The best example of my dreams coming true was when one of my friends went missing. We had no idea where he had gone, if he was kidnapped, if he committed suicide or what. Strange thing about it though, is that I had a dream that it would happen 2 months before it did. I was having lunch with my college friends one day and my future missing friend was among them. I said, "Oh that's right, I had a dream last night that you went missing. All of us gathered into one of the rooms here on campus, constantly checking our phones and facebook to try to contact you or receive any word on it, but there was nothing. We cried and all huddled together because we had no idea what had happened to you. When I woke up I thought it had really happened and you were gone." Then 2 months later he really DID go missing. At that time I had forgotten about the dream, but when we all gathered in one of the campus rooms, checking our phones and facebook, hugging each other and trying to keep from crying, one of my other friends gasped and said "Wait! This is like that dream you said you had! Remember? It was a couple months ago, but it was just like this wasn't it?" I was so shocked that it had actually happened I got sudden chills down my back. Thankfully our friend was found. He had a kind of mental break-down and ran away to another city, but he was safe.

That story was just to let you know that my dreams really do come true.

So, last night, I had a dream that I read a Q post. It went like this:

"Soon. Arrests coming. Enjoy the show.


Now perhaps this is wishful thinking, or maybe it's obvious that arrests will happen soon, but we can't know that for sure. The future isn't set in stone obviously. But my dreams have rarely been wrong, and every time they happen in real life I get this chilled feeling that something just happened. If my dreams come from anywhere they come from God or the Holy Spirit.

And also, I'm rather new to Q, so perhaps the format I've just described here of the Q post I saw isn't quite like what he usually does, but I thought it stuck out because of how simple and to-the-point it was, plus periods after each line. Like it was such an important statement that he wanted to make it plain and simple.

Let me know your thoughts. Have you or anyone else you know had prophetic dreams? About this election or any other event?