Now I'm scared to let my cats outside, even though we are far, far away from Ohio, you never know what people intend to do anymore.
I remember one time when I was about 10 I was riding my bike on the streets near my home and some random car with two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, came up to ask me for directions. Being a young kid I couldn't really give good directions to anywhere, so why they came up to me for directions, instead of finding an adult, is very weird and sketchy, especially since I was alone with nobody else around. I tried to give them directions, didn't do a good job, and thankfully they left. I raced back home and stayed inside for the rest of the day.
I think I remembered in the back of my mind the abduction case of Jaycee Duggard and how she was snatched up by two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, in a car on her way to school. I heard about that case before and I think just knowing about it helped me understand how serious a situation like talking to strangers in a car could become. I think my Guardian Angel was also doing overtime to protect me.
This kind of thing is now the norm in Britain and many European countries with Muslims and Africans just walking up to young girls and either pestering them for attention or straight up stealing them in broad daylight.
The "tolerant" and "loving" Left strikes again.
Likely many in the audience have done so as well, just not for the same things, and they may not even realize it. They may have become slaves to drugs, or alcohol, or porn, or money, or vanity, and on and on.
Anyway, funny how Tim Pool's employer/partner company gets indicted as "Russian agents" barely 24 hours after he announces he's suing the Kamala Harris administration for defamation lmao.
Exactly what I was thinking. The fact that the left is painting Tenet Media as "Russian Owned and Operated" makes me immediately think the opposite. Especially after Tim Pool and his company is suing Kackles.
AI generated stuff has gotten a lot better, but it's still creepy and uncanny and not perfect yet. Honestly I wish we didn't even have it. This opens up a huge can of worms.
Always amazing to see the conversions of so many young people! God be with them!
I've tried the keto diet many times but it seems it puts my body into shock from lack of energy that you typically derive from carbs. I was still eating some carbs, but not a whole lot, and what I did eat was from complex carbs, not simple. I was also eating plenty of protein so that wasn't the issue. I'm doing research right now on the autoimmune diet, in which you eliminate gluten, dairy, sugar, and soy, though there are others that say getting rid of nuts, seeds, nightshade vegetables, eggs, and tomatoes and such is also helpful.
For now I'm going to read up on it as much as I can and make a plan from there. Likely I will eliminate the main 4 from my diet (gluten, dairy, sugar, and soy) and see if it makes any difference. I've already tested for celiac disease, and I don't have it, but gluten could still be having an effect on my digestion.
Pretty sure he was on the list, or I saw his name somewhere else that exposed other p*dos.
Ben Affleck is also a major kid diddler. Seems like he enjoyed Epstein's island a few too many times.
Any info on ivermectin (oral medication) being any good for autoimmune diseases?
Has there been any news on ivermectin being good to take for autoimmune diseases? Specifically ones that cause internal inflammation?
I once stayed on a dairy farm for a week when I was a kid, and of course they had fresh raw milk in their fridge to drink as much as we wanted. It was so sweet and creamy and so filling, the best milk I've ever had! I've only ever had it once more since then and I miss it so much. It's incredibly hard to find a farm that will sell it to you "under the table."
I'll be dancing until the sun rises!
Iraq and other Muslim countries will likely lower it even further to 6 years old, which is when their supposed prophet Muhammad married his child bride Aisha, but didn't "consummate" their marriage until she was 9. To Muslims they must think he had the patience of a god to "wait" 3 years, seeing as how modern Muslims don't or can't wait for anything.
Yourself and as many frens as you can find who will celebrate her arrest.
Same here. Not a big drinker, but for her arrest party I'll gladly make an exception.
Like I've always said, when Ilhan Omar is arrested I will be throwing a party. You're all invited.
YES. What a slap in the face that they got some gay communist tumblr user to design the new "flag" and it's the worst graphic design for a flag anyone could make. A 5 year old would think of something better than that garbage.
It's clear they're scrambling and running out of options. Honestly I'm surprised they didn't choose Newsome for VP instead, but I guess they still want him ruining California so...
I'm still expecting them to push Michael Obammy out as the "real" candidate.
When Muslims respect Christ more than Christians you know you're screwed.
I've been there too. The amount of graves is staggering, and it's even more sad when some of the crosses are marked as "Unknown." Some will never get the recognition and respect they deserve. And France just spit on all their graves during the opening of the Olympics.
MN wouldn't be nearly so bad if Obammy hadn't started importing Somalia. Now look at the mess we're in.
We've yet to see what the October Surprise could be.