valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's literally what I thought. I know the flair should have tipped me off but seriously I wouldn't be surprised if she asked crap like this.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, someone explain this to me...WHY are all of these senators asking the most insane questions I've ever heard?! WHAT is their purpose is asking this crap?!?!

valley-lily 11 points ago +11 / -0

"Sarah" should also inform the kids about "Jazz's" crippling depression, botched surgeries, the need to "dilate" every day, the need to have shots all the time, the weight gain, the thoughts of suicide, etc. AD NAUSEAM.

You wanna be transparent dontcha "sArAh"??

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Other people have speculated autism may also be triggered by this stuff, or make it worse. And obviously things like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, even illnesses like asthma, or poor cognitive function.

valley-lily 4 points ago +4 / -0

Whoa really? I just read about BVO and how terrible it is, surprised to hear it just got removed. Even more surprised that the FDA decided to remove it at all.

valley-lily 8 points ago +9 / -1

Processed sugars like high fructose corn syrup, regular corn syrup, and white sugar are definitely things you want to moderate or avoid all together, especially the first two. Regular cane sugar isn't nearly as bad, but I've discovered through my own health journey that it causes major destruction in your intestine. Inflammation everywhere.

I was a real sugar addict before, but now I've taken it entirely out of my diet (except in natural sugars from fruits and veggies, and a bit of honey which has anti-inflammatory properties), and now I don't crave it nearly as much as I did before. Still wish I could have a cookie now and then but the health of my intestines is more important.

valley-lily 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is why kids are such picky eaters today too. All they want is pure carbs and sugar from ultra-processed foods like Lunchables or Gushers. I admit I used to eat that garbage as a kid too, but it seems even worse than before.

valley-lily 9 points ago +9 / -0

The hyperactivity side effect is really interesting. Makes me wonder how many kids truly have ADHD or ADD, or if it's being caused by all these chemical additives in typical "kids food" like sugary cereals, gummies, candy, fruit juices, and so on. Remove these dyes and additives and watch the number of ADHD and ADD cases drop really fast.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Beautiful song, wonderful harmony. What an amazing family that they can see and appreciate the little good that came out of this horrific disaster.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the reason they're celebrating is because it doesn't even have any fire or smoke damage at all. It's perfectly clean. Meanwhile everything else is a pile of ash around it. Even stone can be damaged from fire (remember Notre Dame 2019 fire?), but this statue was not.

valley-lily 9 points ago +9 / -0

FFS, it's the Jerusalem Christian cross, meant to symbolize Christianity being brought to all "4 corners" of the world. This symbol was everywhere in Jerusalem when I went there a little over a year ago, most specifically at Christian pilgrimage sites and churches.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is patently false. Here's the definition:

con·ti·nent1 /ˈkänt(ə)nənt/ noun noun: continent; plural noun: continents

any of the world's main continuous expanses of land (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America).

Here are some other facts about continents:

Geologically -Continents are made up of lower-density rocks than the seafloor or mantle.

Tectonic plates -Continents correlate with the positions of tectonic plates. Geologists theorize that continents move due to plate tectonics.

Mountain formation -Mountains form on continents when tectonic plates crash together, creating wrinkles in the crust.

Name -The word "continent" comes from the Latin terra continēns, which means "land held together" or "connected land".

The definition has nothing to do with how much water is surrounding it. Try again homie.

valley-lily 8 points ago +8 / -0

Most homes these days are built with very poor quality material, pumped full of easily flammable chemicals. Homes are also furnished with carpets, rugs, and furniture that catches incredibly quick. The time to get out of a burning house used to be 5-10 minutes, now it's 1-2 minutes because of what everything is made out of. It catches fast and burns fast, moving quickly from one thing to the next. Think of how many plastic things you have in your own home, or even your clothing which is mostly polyester and very flammable.

Living trees don't burn as easily as dead trees and brush, so it's not surprising they didn't burn very much or even catch at all. All of these fires still reek of intentional destruction though. None of this is "natural."

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mark Hamill, Ben Affleck, and Anthony Hopkins also listed that piqued my interest. Affleck especially is rumored to have been to Epstein Island. And Mark Hamill has pushed the liberal agenda so much that he must be hiding something in his now-destroyed house.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take New Zealand too and turn it into Middle Earth Land. (It already kinda is, but still.)

valley-lily 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only reason I care about these celebrity homes being burned to the ground is that a lot of evidence of their crimes against children and humanity is now gone.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, continental plates exist, that's what continents sit on and how they've slowly moved about the planet. Plate tectonics is a real thing. Sorry you don't like reality, can't help you there. shrug

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay, doesn't remove the fact that it's a continent.

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