I'm seeing some good news posts tonight and this ruined a nice little streak of 4 in a row.
I swear, it's like some of you weren't paying any attention to Q on this 4 year journey.
"We are the news" means:
Be precise with your language.
Don't take a rumor and present it as a fact.
If you're posting a rumor, make it clear to the reader that it's a rumor.
If the rumor you want to post is from some rando on social media, delete your post and give yourself several lashings.
If your rumor is from someone who has been credible in the past, note this to the reader.
Anonymously sourced stories should be taken with a huge grain of salt whether they're anti-Trump OR pro-Trump.
If someone makes a big claim (for instance, Trump buying GAB) then research that claim and try to find corroboration, ESPECIALLY when it's some social media rando making the claim. If you don't have corroboration, delete your post and give yourself several lashings.
BE RESPONSIBLE. Write your posts with the purpose of adding value to the community, not noise.
Guys, don't post shit like this please.
I'm seeing some good news posts tonight and this ruined a nice little streak of 4 in a row.
I swear, it's like some of you weren't paying any attention to Q on this 4 year journey.
"We are the news" means: